
Waiting For The Miracle - Anjani Thomas Bob Furgo David Campbell Dean Parks Lenny Castro Leonard Cohen Yoav Goren

I'm sittin in my car in southern California

Just like I do every day

Thinkin bout my life

And waiting for the light to change

Told her I was leavin

She said I don't believe you

Thats what you always say

Now I'm gonna prove her wrong

I'm just waiting for the light to change

Just outside my window

The world keeps rolling by

It makes me think of what's ahead

And what Id leave behind

I was all but gone when I heard

Her favorite song

Comin down those radio waves

Now its getting harder

Waiting for the light to change

Just outside my window

The world keeps rolling by

It makes me think of what's ahead

And what Id leave behind

I'm sitti in my car in southern California

Just like I do every day

Thinkin bout my life

Whether I should go or stay

Guess Ill turn this car around

I'm just waiting for the light to change
