Barbara Allen



所属专辑:The Singer


Barbara Allen - Art Garfunkel


All in the merry month of May

When green buds all are swellin'

Sweet William on his deathbed

Lay for love of Barbara Allen

He sent his servant to the town

The place where she did dwell in

Saying Master dear has sent me

Here if your name be Barbara Allen

Then slowly slowly she got up

And slowly she went to him

And all she said

When there she came was

Young man I think you're dying

Don't you remember the other night

When we were in the tavern

You drank a toast to the ladies there

And slighted Barbara Allen

He turned his face unto the wall

He turned his back upon her

Adieu adieu to all my friends

And be kind be kind to Barbara Allen

As she was wandering on the fields

She heard the death bell knellin'

And every note it seemed to say

Hard-hearted Barbara Allen

The more it tolled the more she grieved

She bursted out a-crying

Oh pick me up and carry me home

I fear that I am dying

They buried Willy in the old church yard

And Barbara in the new one

And from William's grave

There grew a rose

From Barbara's a green briar

They grew and grew

In the old church yard

Till they could grow no higher

And there they tied in a true lover's knot

The red rose and the briar
