Only You (Album Version)



所属专辑:Black Valentine


@migu music@

Looking froma window above itslikea story of love

Can you hear me

Came back only yesterday Immoving further away

Want you nearme

All Ineeded wasthe love you gave

All Ineed edfo ranother day

Andall Iever knew

Only you

Sometimes when Ithin ko fhername when it sonlya game

And I need you

Listen to the word sthat you sayitsgetting harderto stay

When Isee you

All Ineed ed wasthe love you gave

All Ineed ed for another day

An dall Iever knew

Only you

All Ineeded wastheloveyou gave

All Ineeded foranother day

And all Iever knew

Only you

This is going to takea long time and I wonder what smine

Cant takeno more

Wonderif youllunder standits justt he touch of your hand

Behind a closeddoor

All Ineeded was the love youg ave

All Ineeded forano ther day

An dall Ieve rknew

Only you
