@migu music@
Babys Gone Blue - Eurythmics
As he did so her body slammed backwards
At first it was my
Impresion when I saw her eyes
That she was sleeping but she was
Already dead he called her name
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah –sweetheart
Oh yes he called her name
Look at the mess
In your party dress
Baby’s gone blue
That fixed expression
She was already dead
Who are you going to send flowers to
Who are you going to send flowers to
Oh yes he called her name
I’ll never forget about that that fixed
Expression it didn’t feel right
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah –sweetheart
He called her name crash out alcohol
Look at the mess
In your party dress
Baby’s gone blue
Did you hear about that crying
At first it seemed but she
Was dead
Her body slammed backwards
The first thing
The first thing alcohol
It didn’t feel right but she was
Already dead