
歌曲名 Spring Will Be A Little Late This Year

歌手名 A. Godlis A. Pratz Art Ryerson Bernard Kaufman D. Asch E. Green Frank Carroll George Ockner Harold Feldman Jack Satterfield Jimmy Maxwell Jules Schachter Louis Stein Melvin Solomon Richard Banzer Richard Dickler Sarah Vaughan Sidney Brecher Terry Snyder Vincent Abato Will Bradley / His Orchestra William Versaci

Spring will be a little late this year

A little late arriving in my lonely world over here

For you have left me and where is our April old

You have left me and winter continues cold

As if to say spring will be a little slow to start

A little slow reviving

that music it made in my heart

Yes time heals all things

so I needn't cling to this fear

It's merely that spring will be a little late this year

Spring will be a little late this year

A little slow reviving that music it made in my heart

Yes time heals all things

so I needn't cling to this fear

It's merely that spring will be a little late

a little late this year
