Rosemary Faire (Song Of Lughnasadh)



所属专辑:Magic Of Ireland


歌曲名 Rosemary Faire (Song of Lughnasadh)

歌手名 Aine Minogue+Alasdair Halliday



You may go down to rosemary faire

Every rose grows merry and fine

And pick me out then the finest girl there

And i shall make her a true lover of mine

Tell him to find me an acre of land

Every rose grows merry and fine

Between the salt water and the sea strand

For he'll never be a true lover of mine

Tell her to send me a carembrick shirt

Every rose grows merry and fine

Made without needle or needlework

Or she cannot be a true lover of mine

Tell him to bring it to rosemary faire

Every rose grows merry and fine

When he arrives there'll be nobody there

For he'll never be a true lover of mine
