
歌曲名 Picking Time Start

歌手名 Johnny Cash

作曲:Johnny Cash

I got cotton in the bottom land

It's up and growin' and I got a good stand

My good wife and them kids of mine

Gonna get new shoes come pickin' time

Get new shoes come pickin' time

Every night when I go to bed

I thank the Lord that my kids are fed

They live on beans eight days and nine

But I get 'em fat come pickin' time

Get 'em fat come come pickin' time

The corn is yellow and the beans are high

The sun is hot in the summer sky

The work is hard till layin' by

Layin' by till pickin' time

Layin' by till pickin' time

It's hard to see by the coal-oil light

And I turn it off pretty early at night

'Cause a jug of coal-oil costs a dime

But I stay up late come pickin' time

Stay up late come pickin' time

My old wagon barely gets me to town

I patched the wheels and I watered 'em down

Keep her in shape so she'll be fine

To haul my cotton come pickin' time

Haul my cotton come pickin' time

Last Sunday mornin' when they passed the hat

It was still nearly empty back where I sat

But the preacher smiled and said that's fine

The Lord'll wait till pickin' time

The Lord'll wait till pickin' time
