@migu music@
Both: Previet.
Russian person: Previet.
Dora and Russian person: Previet.
Dora Previet, Previet to the children playing in the snow.
Dora and Swiper: Previet
Russian person: Previet.
Dora and Swiper: Previet
Russian people: Previet.
Dora: Is a cheery Russian hello.
Dora: A cup of hot tea and a big furry hat, warm, wooly parkas and dolls that can stack. In Russia, it's cold, cold as it can get. To say hello, we say previet. Say...
Both: Previet, previet.
Dora: Previet to the kids skating to and fro.
Both: Previet, previet.
Dora: Is a cheery Russian hello!
Dora and Swiper: Previet!