Prison Blues


作曲:Chris Farlow,Jimmy Page



@migu music@

Prison Blues - Jimmy Page

I've been a bad bad bad bad bad

Boy boy boy baby

I've been a bad bad boy

All night long

Oh yes i have baby

Yes i've been a bad boy honey

I've been a bad boy all night long

That woman she don't even let me

She did not even telephone me

I'm gonna leave my little honey

Like a rabbit leaves the hole

A ow ah leave my little honey baby

Just like that little bunny rabbit leaves the hole

I got a weasel in my pocket

I'm gonna stick that weasel down my mamma

I'm gonna stick it right down that little hole

The only way i get out is climb over the wall

Oh baby the only way get out is that i get a ladder

And climb over the wall

Well i can't climb the ladder baby

Cause i'm afraid that i'm that i might fall

Come on yeah

I'm staying in this folsom prison honey baby

Yeah i'm gonna stay in this folsom prison

Till the day that i die

Oh i'll stay in folsom prison baby

Oh till the day until the day i die

Hear more i never killed nobody

Oh my baby you know you know that i'm staying alive

Cause i know baby that's gonna be a great big lie

You know i'm livin in this fol fol fol fol fol

Fol fol fol fol fol fol fol fol fol

