
@migu music@

Telegram Sam - Marc Bolan & T Rex

One two three four

Telegram Sam

Telegram Sam

You are my main man

Purple Pie Pete

Purple Pie Pete

Your lips are like lightning

Girls melt in the heat oh

Automatic shoes

Automatic shoes

Give me three D vision

And the California blues yeah

Telegram Sam

You're my main man

Telegram Sam

You're my main man

Bobby's alright

Bobby dealings alright

He's a natural born poet

He's just outta sight

Purple Pie Pete

Purple Pie Pete

Your lips are like lightning

Girls melt in the heat oh

Telegram Sam

You're my main man

Telegram Sam

You're my main man

Bobby's alright

Bobby dealings alright

He's a natural born poet

He's just outta sight

I say automatic shoes

Automatic shoes

Give me three D vision

And the California blues

I don't care

I say me I funk I don't care

I ain't no square with my corkscrew hair

Telegram Sam

You're my main man

Telegram Sam

You're my main man

Telegram Sam

You're my main man

Telegram Sam

Telegram Sam

Telegram Sam

I'm a howlin' wolf

Telegram Sam

I'm a howlin' wolf

Telegram Sam

I'm a howlin' wolf

Telegram Sam

I'm a howlin' wolf

Telegram Sam

Telegram Sam

Telegram Sam

Telegram Sam

I say I'm a howlin' wolf

Telegram Sam

Well I say I'm a howlin' wolf

Telegram Sam

One two three
