Long Way From Home(电影《里斯本丸沉没》片尾曲) - Elly O'Keeffe
作词:Jerry Verschoor
作曲:Nicolas Errèra
编曲工作室Writing Studio:Zack’s Shack
混录师Mix Engineer:Matt Lawrence
录音师Recording Engineer:Sarah Dorgan
混录助理Mixing assistant:Ned Roberts
混录录音棚Mixing studio:Soho Sound Kitchen
录音棚Recording Studio :Toy Shop London
弦乐Strings:Borgar Magnason、Nicolas Errera
小号Trumpet:Borgar Magnason、Nicolas Errera
钢琴Piano:Borgar Magnason、Nicolas Errera
小提琴演奏Solo Violin:Borgar Magnason
三角铁Triangle:Dan Macmillan
电子编辑Programming:Howard Bernstein
统筹Arrangement:Howard Bernstein
Howie B助理Howie B Assistant:Frank Rainey
音乐监督Music Supervised by:Jan Kern
Down deep in the shadows of waves
Your torture lingers on
Lost souls among the deep shattered sands
Calls us all to home
Why is there a strangling hell
In the fear of flower thorns
For war is never on the battlefield
But among nightmares of us children all
It is a long way to our longing hearts
It's a long way from home
You're all someone's father
You're all someone's son
We call your names with pride alone
It's a long way home
Crushing waves cannot silence my call
Silent darkness cannot block out the light
As your fight in the daggers and bullets
Yells to the hero in my tear washed eyes
Your grave can now have a soul
Open curtains can now light my mind
We children saluted you goodbye
With glory clouds in my sight
White sands lay quietly in my palms
Whispering the deepness of your truth
Goodbye Piccadilly
Farewell Leicester Square
Rippling within the waves of the Lisbon Maru
It is a long way to our longing hearts
It's a long way from home
You're all someone's father
You're all someone's son
We call your names with pride alone
It's a long way home
It is a long way to our longing hearts
It's a long way from home
You're all someone's father
You're all someone's son
We call your names with pride alone
It's a long way home
It's a long way from home