花了她的童年在黎巴嫩,海湾国家和希腊。她移居巴黎, 2001年,她在那里工作和生活实际。她最近的专辑是YAS ,并将于2009年4月公布世界。   是前Soapkills成员      Yasmine Hamdan: spent her childhood between Lebanon, Gulf countries and Greece. She moved to Paris in 2001, where she actually lives and works. Her latest project is Y.A.S. The album is produced by Miwais, and will be released in April 2009 by Universal. www.myspace.com/yaspopmusic
  花了她的童年在黎巴嫩,海湾国家和希腊。她移居巴黎, 2001年,她在那里工作和生活实际。她最近的专辑是YAS ,并将于2009年4月公布世界。   是前Soapkills成员      Yasmine Hamdan: spent her childhood between Lebanon, Gulf countries and Greece. She moved to Paris in 2001, where she actually lives and works. Her latest project is Y.A.S. The album is produced by Miwais, and will be released in April 2009 by Universal. www.myspace.com/yaspopmusic
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Yasmine Hamdan