Morcheeba是当年Trip-Hop热潮席卷全球时的核心力量,虽然他们在音乐的开拓上远不如冷到骨髓的Massive Attack、黑到恐惧的Tricky和诡到迷离的Portishead那么具有革命与实验精神,但倒也通过法式香颂般的节拍和华丽音色的堆积,在Trip-Hop世界的三驾马车的包围圈中杀出了一条雅俗共赏的血路。2005年,已然功成名就的Morcheeba在事隔三年后又推出了他们的新专辑,这一次他们不但加盟了“Echo”这个新东家,更是在改换了新主唱后,被迫的呈现出了一种新的摸法。     对于一支如此成功的乐队来讲,换主唱可是非同儿戏的大事件,做为乐队最感性、最直观的标志,就算是在现代乐队中起重要作用的吉它手也只能自叹不如,你能够想像没有了Dolores O’Riordan的The Cranberries会是怎么样吗?你能想像失去Bono的U2又会是什么样吗?你还能设想一下,如果没有大嘴的Mike Jagger,The Rolling Stone还能叫The Rolling Stone吗?而当堪称Morcheeba绮丽梦幻乐风标志的Skye Edwards为了继续她的solo事业而离开乐队后,Godfrey兄弟自然不敢怠慢,紧急搬来的救兵--前Noonday Underground乐队的主唱Daisy Martey显然还是以Skye Edwards为原型寻找的,以至于消息不灵或者听觉不够尖锐的乐迷在聆听这张新专辑时,还以为依然是Skye Edwards在话筒前放声。   Morcheeba are an English electronic band formed in the mid-1990s with founding members vocalist Skye Edwards and the brothers Paul and Ross Godfrey. They mix influences from trip hop, rock, folk-rock and downtempo, and have produced eight regular studio albums since 1995, two of which reached the UK top ten.Their last studio album, Head Up High, was released in October 2013. Edwards left the band in 2003, after which the brothers used a number of singers before she rejoined in 2009. They recruit additional members for their live performances and have toured internationally. In 2014 Paul Godfrey resigned from the band, thus ending Morcheeba. Edwards and Ross Godfrey later formed Skye|Ross and released a self-titled album in September 2016. They continue to tour, on occasion being listed as Morcheeba / Sky & Ross Trio.
  Morcheeba是当年Trip-Hop热潮席卷全球时的核心力量,虽然他们在音乐的开拓上远不如冷到骨髓的Massive Attack、黑到恐惧的Tricky和诡到迷离的Portishead那么具有革命与实验精神,但倒也通过法式香颂般的节拍和华丽音色的堆积,在Trip-Hop世界的三驾马车的包围圈中杀出了一条雅俗共赏的血路。2005年,已然功成名就的Morcheeba在事隔三年后又推出了他们的新专辑,这一次他们不但加盟了“Echo”这个新东家,更是在改换了新主唱后,被迫的呈现出了一种新的摸法。     对于一支如此成功的乐队来讲,换主唱可是非同儿戏的大事件,做为乐队最感性、最直观的标志,就算是在现代乐队中起重要作用的吉它手也只能自叹不如,你能够想像没有了Dolores O’Riordan的The Cranberries会是怎么样吗?你能想像失去Bono的U2又会是什么样吗?你还能设想一下,如果没有大嘴的Mike Jagger,The Rolling Stone还能叫The Rolling Stone吗?而当堪称Morcheeba绮丽梦幻乐风标志的Skye Edwards为了继续她的solo事业而离开乐队后,Godfrey兄弟自然不敢怠慢,紧急搬来的救兵--前Noonday Underground乐队的主唱Daisy Martey显然还是以Skye Edwards为原型寻找的,以至于消息不灵或者听觉不够尖锐的乐迷在聆听这张新专辑时,还以为依然是Skye Edwards在话筒前放声。   Morcheeba are an English electronic band formed in the mid-1990s with founding members vocalist Skye Edwards and the brothers Paul and Ross Godfrey. They mix influences from trip hop, rock, folk-rock and downtempo, and have produced eight regular studio albums since 1995, two of which reached the UK top ten.Their last studio album, Head Up High, was released in October 2013. Edwards left the band in 2003, after which the brothers used a number of singers before she rejoined in 2009. They recruit additional members for their live performances and have toured internationally. In 2014 Paul Godfrey resigned from the band, thus ending Morcheeba. Edwards and Ross Godfrey later formed Skye|Ross and released a self-titled album in September 2016. They continue to tour, on occasion being listed as Morcheeba / Sky & Ross Trio.
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