
简介:  地底乐团作为本地独立虚拟乐队,足迹神神秘秘,不经不觉间已浮沉江湖十年,一直游击式追求创作成果,特别喜欢跟不同创作人擦出火花,默默探索交叉各类元素发展的可能性。   这张最新专辑《弥敦道+》秉承创团以来与本地漫画家合作的基因,万幸邀请了香港著名填词人郑国江为主题曲《十年》写出多年心路历程,加上香港本土著名漫画家甘小文携手合作,透过幽默的漫画形式,以创造性的角度演绎专辑内的所有作品。这个表现手法的主要目的,期望大家可以在欣赏过程之中,拥抱多种多样的生活想象和乐趣。   《空间》:透过马来西亚neuyabe的音乐不其然就能自动带出幕幕画面。《十年》:在香港词坛一代宗师郑国江的魔法下就立即成了亮点,几许风雨的心路一下子涌上心头,随即又充满力量。《具名》:台湾音乐才女Alice优雅的琴音呼应着乐团的冷静与热情之间。   Underground Orchestra as a local independent virtual band, mysterious footsteps, unknowingly drifting between rivers and lakes has been ten years, has been the pursuit of guerrilla-style creations, especially with different creative people like sparks, quietly exploring possible development of various elements of the cross sex.   This latest album, "Nathan Road +" gene uphold create group since cooperation with local cartoonist, fortunately invited the famous Hong Kong lyricist Cheng Kwok Kong theme song "Ten years," wrote the mentality of many years, with Hong Kong's well-known local cartoonist Kam Siu Man work together, through humor comic form, with creative perspectives and all the works within the album. The main purpose of this performance practices, we can expect to enjoy the process, embracing a wide range of life and fun to imagine.   Space: through Malaysia neuyabe music Sure will automatically bring out the screen screen display.   Ten years: Hong Kong Ci at a great master of magic Cheng Kwok Kong immediately became a highlight of the mentality of a sudden dash of wind and rain in my heart, which was then filled with power.   Named: Taiwan music talented Alice elegant orchestra sounds echoing between calm and passion.
  地底乐团作为本地独立虚拟乐队,足迹神神秘秘,不经不觉间已浮沉江湖十年,一直游击式追求创作成果,特别喜欢跟不同创作人擦出火花,默默探索交叉各类元素发展的可能性。   这张最新专辑《弥敦道+》秉承创团以来与本地漫画家合作的基因,万幸邀请了香港著名填词人郑国江为主题曲《十年》写出多年心路历程,加上香港本土著名漫画家甘小文携手合作,透过幽默的漫画形式,以创造性的角度演绎专辑内的所有作品。这个表现手法的主要目的,期望大家可以在欣赏过程之中,拥抱多种多样的生活想象和乐趣。   《空间》:透过马来西亚neuyabe的音乐不其然就能自动带出幕幕画面。《十年》:在香港词坛一代宗师郑国江的魔法下就立即成了亮点,几许风雨的心路一下子涌上心头,随即又充满力量。《具名》:台湾音乐才女Alice优雅的琴音呼应着乐团的冷静与热情之间。   Underground Orchestra as a local independent virtual band, mysterious footsteps, unknowingly drifting between rivers and lakes has been ten years, has been the pursuit of guerrilla-style creations, especially with different creative people like sparks, quietly exploring possible development of various elements of the cross sex.   This latest album, "Nathan Road +" gene uphold create group since cooperation with local cartoonist, fortunately invited the famous Hong Kong lyricist Cheng Kwok Kong theme song "Ten years," wrote the mentality of many years, with Hong Kong's well-known local cartoonist Kam Siu Man work together, through humor comic form, with creative perspectives and all the works within the album. The main purpose of this performance practices, we can expect to enjoy the process, embracing a wide range of life and fun to imagine.   Space: through Malaysia neuyabe music Sure will automatically bring out the screen screen display.   Ten years: Hong Kong Ci at a great master of magic Cheng Kwok Kong immediately became a highlight of the mentality of a sudden dash of wind and rain in my heart, which was then filled with power.   Named: Taiwan music talented Alice elegant orchestra sounds echoing between calm and passion.