
简介:  与文同乐(Music Poetic HK)为一植根香港的创作团队,团队致力以粤语流行曲手法演绎古典诗词。《阳春曲‧春景(二)(Op. 10)》为与文同乐与地底乐团首个合作项目,作品由与文同乐核心成员纪几何作曲、香港音乐人伍正文担任监制,并由小清新唱作人Shel以Acoustic手法编曲和演绎。   胡祇遹,元代文学家,代表作有《阳春曲‧春景》、《沉醉东风‧赠妓朱帘秀》等,著有《紫山大全集》存世。《阳春曲‧春景(二)》为《阳春曲‧春景》三支小令组曲的第二首,也是与文同乐的第十首作品(Op. 10),写的是春睡景致,懒洋洋之余又带点积极之意。   Music Poetic HK is a Hong Kong based creative group aimed at transforming traditional Chinese Poems into Cantonese pop songs. “Yang Chun Qu - Spring Scenery” is originally a Yuen Qu (a type of verse popular in Yuen Dynasty) written by Hu Zhiyu depicting the scenery of spring.   Composed by KH Kei, the core member of Music Poetic HK, produced by Hong Kong musician Ng Ching Man, arranged and sung in Cantonese by singer-songwriter Shel, “Yang Chun Qu - Spring Scenery (II) Op. 10” now becomes an acoustic pop song representing the maiden collaboration between Music Poetic HK and Underground.
  与文同乐(Music Poetic HK)为一植根香港的创作团队,团队致力以粤语流行曲手法演绎古典诗词。《阳春曲‧春景(二)(Op. 10)》为与文同乐与地底乐团首个合作项目,作品由与文同乐核心成员纪几何作曲、香港音乐人伍正文担任监制,并由小清新唱作人Shel以Acoustic手法编曲和演绎。   胡祇遹,元代文学家,代表作有《阳春曲‧春景》、《沉醉东风‧赠妓朱帘秀》等,著有《紫山大全集》存世。《阳春曲‧春景(二)》为《阳春曲‧春景》三支小令组曲的第二首,也是与文同乐的第十首作品(Op. 10),写的是春睡景致,懒洋洋之余又带点积极之意。   Music Poetic HK is a Hong Kong based creative group aimed at transforming traditional Chinese Poems into Cantonese pop songs. “Yang Chun Qu - Spring Scenery” is originally a Yuen Qu (a type of verse popular in Yuen Dynasty) written by Hu Zhiyu depicting the scenery of spring.   Composed by KH Kei, the core member of Music Poetic HK, produced by Hong Kong musician Ng Ching Man, arranged and sung in Cantonese by singer-songwriter Shel, “Yang Chun Qu - Spring Scenery (II) Op. 10” now becomes an acoustic pop song representing the maiden collaboration between Music Poetic HK and Underground.