永远(Kantele Version)

简介:  登登,一个因为喜欢芬兰冈德雷琴声音而远赴芬兰学习的香港音乐人。回港后创办“香港芬兰琴音乐教室”(HK Kantele Fun Music Room),现正积极在香港推广芬兰琴。   这次与地底乐团及马来西亚的neuyabe合作,登登以传统芬兰乐器,演绎全新的原创独立音乐。   登登用芬兰琴编曲时,脑中突然浮现了一句中国五声音阶的乐句,便以此乐句作开头,而在乐曲中也不时出现五声音阶。登登亦于编曲中加进一些芬兰琴的技巧,来一个中国、芬兰、马来西亚的Crossover!   Carol Chan(Deng Deng) plays kantele. She went to Finland to learn this beautiful Finnish traditional instrument. After she returned to Hong Kong, she established "HK Kantele Fun Music Room" and puts a lot of effort in introducing kantele to Hong Kong people.   This time, Deng Deng worked with Underground and neuyabe, using Finnish traditional instrument to arrange a piece of brand new pop music.   When Deng Deng began to arrange this song, a melody came into her mind. Interestingly, the melody is in Chinese pentatonic scale. She thought it goes well with the song! She also added some kantele playing skills into the arrangement, to make this song a mixture of Chinese, Finland and Malaysia styles.
  登登,一个因为喜欢芬兰冈德雷琴声音而远赴芬兰学习的香港音乐人。回港后创办“香港芬兰琴音乐教室”(HK Kantele Fun Music Room),现正积极在香港推广芬兰琴。   这次与地底乐团及马来西亚的neuyabe合作,登登以传统芬兰乐器,演绎全新的原创独立音乐。   登登用芬兰琴编曲时,脑中突然浮现了一句中国五声音阶的乐句,便以此乐句作开头,而在乐曲中也不时出现五声音阶。登登亦于编曲中加进一些芬兰琴的技巧,来一个中国、芬兰、马来西亚的Crossover!   Carol Chan(Deng Deng) plays kantele. She went to Finland to learn this beautiful Finnish traditional instrument. After she returned to Hong Kong, she established "HK Kantele Fun Music Room" and puts a lot of effort in introducing kantele to Hong Kong people.   This time, Deng Deng worked with Underground and neuyabe, using Finnish traditional instrument to arrange a piece of brand new pop music.   When Deng Deng began to arrange this song, a melody came into her mind. Interestingly, the melody is in Chinese pentatonic scale. She thought it goes well with the song! She also added some kantele playing skills into the arrangement, to make this song a mixture of Chinese, Finland and Malaysia styles.