
简介:  夜晚是遼闊的。夜晚是漫長的。夜晚是寧靜的。夜晚是充滿想象的。   懂得享受夜晚的人是思緒豐富的人﹐是感性的人。   你在夜裡會想什麼﹖會不會想起曾經愛過的人﹖會不會猜想你的老朋友現在的生活如何﹖會不會忽然有想問問他們的境況的衝動﹖或者會想到在街邊擺攤賣麵的老先生﹖想着每晚必需夜歸的生活﹖或許也會懷念和爸爸相處的童年時光﹖   烈豐把這張專輯獻給在夜裡孤單的你。但也是在夜裡擁有遼闊自由的世界的你。你會是在夜裡經常思索的你。你也可能是在夜裡最喜歡享受人間故事的你。   專輯呈獻以親情﹐友情﹐愛情﹐和思鄉情為主題的歌曲。曲風涵蓋抒情﹐R&B﹐說唱﹐民謠﹐搖滾﹐充份展現出整張專輯製作的誠意與用心。為了讓大家更加了解烈豐的出生地印度尼西亞﹐專輯前所未有地把印尼傳統樂器融入在華語流行歌曲里﹐同時也把各種各樣的印尼傳統樂器介紹給聽者。   在夜裡傾聽印尼傳統音樂演奏特別有安心的感覺。也讓聽者由仿彿親身在印尼這個風情萬種的國家。   【曲目介紹】   「爸爸的老桌子」   從小生長在印尼偏鄉的邱烈豐一直都認為自己還是個鄉下人。他依然經常懷念過去單純﹐朴實的生活﹐熱情的鄉民﹐還有最令他難忘的是他小時候住的海上木屋以及最難忘的人就是他已故的父親。而當年父親的那張桌子也在烈豐心裡留下深深的情誼。   在這首歌曲裡烈豐用最簡單的言語給大家述說他們父子和這張木桌一起度過的時光。那回憶是溫馨的﹐而現實是心酸的。小孩離開家到遠方打拼後也只有這張老桌子陪伴這父親。努力追求上進的烈豐﹐想家時腦海會經常浮現父親在桌上寫字的場景。相信父親也經常會想起合孩子小時候在這桌上的互動。那畫面仿彿還是昨天。   這首歌表達出烈豐對父親深切的懷念與情義﹐相信會讓游子們感受到深刻的共鳴。   編曲的部份特別採用烈豐的家鄉印尼廖內省的傳統古老樂器來與現代嘻哈音樂結合﹐營造出濃濃的家鄉味。採用的廖內省傳統樂器有那飛利(nafiri)﹐巴爸諾(bebano)﹐ 嘎安佈斯(gambus)﹐搭冷澎(talempong)﹐阿格兒德安(akordeon)。   「等不到」   一見鐘情就是你見過她一面就從此每天都希望能再見到她。痴痴的一份愛也只能是盲的等待。每天會來曾經和她相見的地方。為了只是能有再一次的邂逅。是傻﹖是獃﹖其實這也是愛。   編曲融入印尼西爪哇傳統樂器昂格隆(Angklung 竹筒樂器)以及充滿巴厘島氣息的加麥蘭(Gamelan)﹐展現出從小生活在印尼的邱烈豐對印尼文化的的熱愛並把它融合在華語流行音樂裡。   「Cahaya Purnama (月滿明耀)」   為印尼雅加達前華裔省長鍾萬學所寫的一首歌。Cahaya Purnama (吒哈呀 佈而那嘜)是源自鍾萬學的印尼文名字 Basuki Tjahaja Purnama。意思是月圓的光芒。以處在黑暗里的光描繪他的經歷。他依然無怨無悔為世界綻放光芒。人可能把月亮鎖在門外﹐但無法鎖住它綻放的光。   「一起看月亮」   重要的不是做什麼﹐而是和誰在一起。和對的人在一起﹐哪怕只是靜靜地坐著看月亮也感覺是世上最浪漫的事。一直以來都很希望和自己心愛的人有獨處的時候。只要靜靜地坐着﹑聊天﹑分享心裡話﹑說說對彼此的感覺。當這一幕真正發生的時候感覺是多麼的喜悅﹑興奮又帶有一些緊張。   曲風獨特的一首歌。融合各種元素﹑唱法﹑營造出很特別的夜晚與心愛的人一起賞月的情景。簡單的場景卻可以讓人感到豐富多采。音樂的編排描繪出當時心裡的興奮﹑快樂﹑感恩﹑是彼此期待已久的一刻。   「我願為你歌唱」   “算算有多少時間我們都在匆忙 何不找個午後聽聽細雨在歌唱”   現代人總在過着快速的生活。有些是不得不快﹐有些是自我瘋狂。我們或許忙到忘了去享受慢的樂趣﹐慢的自在﹐慢的輕鬆。神經長期緊繃﹐因此也習慣了緊繃的狀態。暫時放下你的快吧﹗把一切放慢。閉上眼睛﹐深呼吸﹐聞一聞雨水打在草地上的香氣﹐嘗一嘗一口清茶的芬芳﹐聽一聽一首歌曲的美好。   “我願為你歌唱 不管世界怎麼樣”。   在編曲里聽到了幾種印尼傳統樂器與現代樂器的合奏。印尼竹笛的聲音營造出夜晚獨特的氛圍﹐仿彿身在印尼爪哇島的某個小鎮﹐自在﹐寫意﹐放鬆心情。和當地的一群小朋友一起玩昂格隆竹筒樂器。加麥蘭有濃濃的巴厘島氣息。是不是應該放開心情到巴厘島度個假了呢﹖   「老朋友﹐你好嗎﹖」   我們有幾個真正的好朋友﹖人的一生中能擁有一兩個就已經很難得了。   現代人可能都覺得自己有很多朋友﹐但仔細看看有幾個真正稱得上是好朋友﹖好朋友當中又有幾個是老朋友了﹖   有些曾經的好朋友﹐如今因為各種緣故而沒有再聯絡了。求學時期的同學踏入社會﹐擁有家庭之後就已沒有時間﹐沒有心情﹐或者沒有閑情再交朋友了。在百忙之中﹐壓力之中還願意抽出時間單純地﹐不是為了某種目的或利益約老朋友出來吃飯聊天的是真正的好朋友。   有人不互相聯絡了的因為是對彼此的互相比較感到厭煩了。比較誰比誰更有成就﹐誰比誰賺的錢更多。經常看到的是收入高的人只跟收入高的人做朋友因為覺得收入比他們低的人跟不上他們的生活方式。大家都只和自己收入相對相同的人做朋友才不會顯得卑微。   每個年齡階層給人帶來的改編也改編了朋友和朋友之間的距離。真正的好朋友不會理會你現在擁有什麼﹐沒有什麼。他只重視難得擁有的情義﹐難得願意了解自己的對方﹐難得在什麼情況下都鼓勵﹐不離不棄。當你需要傾訴時﹐他總會有時間在你身旁傾聽。這種關係將延續很久很久﹐甚至到永久。   這樣的朋友﹐一生中有一兩個就已是幸福。   朋友難得﹐知己難求。不斷懷念﹐不斷為老朋友祈禱的烈豐寫下了這首歌。   這首歌曲中聽到的印尼傳統樂器是源自西爪島和巴厘島的博囔(Bonang)﹐德孟(Demung)﹐和港薩(Gangsa)。   「你在那裡﹖」   曾經以一首 Because Of You (因為你) 紅遍西洋樂壇的美國創作歌手凱斯.馬丁 (Keith Martin)破天荒地也為烈豐的這張新專輯助陣。兩人在一次活動上碰面後就約定要一起創作。當烈豐為馬丁講解這張專輯的概念後﹐兩人就關在錄音室里一起完成了這首歌。帶著充滿西方色彩的節奏藍調配上東方溫暖氣息的唱腔﹐這首歌充滿實驗性﹐也迸出一種獨特感﹐把在夜裡想念一個人的心情表現地自然﹐深刻。   「總是在這樣的夜晚想起你」   愛過的人怎能說忘就忘。我們總是會說依然想她﹐但又有沒有勇氣對他說在想她呢﹖想一個人的夜晚是最難熬的。因為回憶總在夜裡特別銳利。   在夜深人靜的時候﹐自己面對着自己﹐腦海卻不斷浮現曾經這樣陪着自己的那個她。想用看書﹑看戲﹑聽音樂來把注意力分散掉﹐卻還是無法抹去對她的思念。   「如果你就這樣走了 (找回勇氣版)」   外表堅強﹐一直都被大家視為大哥榜樣的人也有脆弱的時候。這首歌曲的誕生是因為一位面對感情和事業低潮的好朋友。連續的挫折讓他崩潰﹐甚至一度想結束生命。還好家人和好友的鼓勵與支持讓他重新站起來。   「夜路 (街角面攤版)」   當你在夜裡趕路回家﹐一步一步地走在逆風的道路﹐心裡是否感嘆着一種無奈﹐路的盡頭是否有幸福的存在。其實為了生活﹐我們都要走完這條夜路。   編曲融合印度尼西亞傳統樂器。有西蘇門答臘米南加保族的傳統竹笛撒露昂。這種笛子用短枝黃金竹製成﹐聲音特別清脆。另外有爪哇古箏希特爾。前奏開頭中聽到的獨特的女聲是一種獨特的印尼爪哇加麥蘭管弦樂中的獨特唱法。演唱者被稱為叭辛登或辛登﹐意思是女主唱。   Night is vast. Night is long. Night is peaceful. Night is full of imagination.   People who know how to enjoy the night are ones with rich and sensitive feeling.   What would you do in the night? Would you think of someone you loved before? Would you guess how your old buddies are? Would you suddenly have the urge to extend greetings to them? Or you would think of the old noodle hawker on the street side you met? Think of the life of coming home late every night? Or missing the childhood time when we spent time with Daddy?   This album is for everyone alone in the night, but also everyone who has vast and free world in the night. Maybe you are the one who think a lot in the night. You may also be the one who enjoy stories in the night.   This album features the songs about family, friendship, love, and homesickness. The genre includes ballads, R&B, rap, folk, and rock, fully demonstrates the sincerity and dedication of the entire album. In order to let everyone know more about the birthplace of Andy, Indonesia, the album has integrated Indonesian traditional instruments into Chinese pop songs like never before. And tt the same time, introduces various Indonesian traditional instruments to the listeners.   Listening to Indonesian traditional music at night is specially reassuring. It also makes the listener feel like being in this amorous country, Indonesia.   【Song Introductions:】   「Daddy's Old Desk」   Andy Qiu, who grew up in a remote village in Indonesia has always considered himself a villager. He still miss the simple, guileless life, warmhearted village people and the most unforgettable is their on-the-sea wooden house and the most unforgettable person is is father. His father's old desk back then is also a special memory in his heart.   In this song, Andy uses the most simple words to tell the memory of a father and a son with a inconspicuous wooden desk. The memory is warm, but reality is grieved. When children grew up and leave home to work, the old desk is the only thing left to accompany the father. Andy who works far away from home, when homesick, the scene of his father writing on the desk always appear in his mind. It's believed that father would always remember his interaction with his children around the desk. It should feel like happened yesterday.   This is a song that Andy wrote to express his deep love and yearning for his father. Children around the world that is also away from home would deeply feel the same way.   As for the arrangement, Andy uses the traditional instruments from his homeland Riau province, Indonesia and combines them with Hiphop music. It brings out a strong hometown ambience. The traditional instruments from Riau which include in are nafiri, bebano, gambus, talempong, dan akordeon.   「She Never Came」   Love in the first sight means you met her once and you want to meet her every single days. An infatuated love can only be a blind waiting. Everyday comes to the place that she came before, hoping for a chance to meet again. Is it stupid? Silly? But also love.   The arrangement of the song combines Angklung (bamboo instrument) from West Java and famous Gamelan from Bali. It shows Andy's love for Indonesian culture and combines it into Chinese pop music.   「Cahaya Purnama」   A song inspired by the former Chinese Governor of Jakarta, Indonesia. The title "Cahaya Purnama" is taken from his name Basuki Tjahaja Purnama which means the light of a full moon. Describing what he underwent was the light in the darkness.   「Seeing The Moon Together」   What is important is not what to do, but who to be with. Even sitting quietly watching the moon feels like the most romantic thing in the world. Have been hoping to have a private time with the one we love. Just by sitting together, having a chat, sharing, and talking about the feeling to each other. When it really happens, it's so joyful, exciting, but also brings nervousness.   It's a unique style of song. A combination of various music styles and singing styles, creating a scene of enjoying seeing the moon together with the loved one. A simple moment but can be so rich and colorful. The music arrangement depicts the excitement of that moment. It's happy, grateful. It's the moment that we are waiting for so long.   「Singing For You」   "It's so often that we say we are in a hurry, Why don't have an afternoon to listen to the singing rain?"   Modern people are always living a fast life. Some are forced to fast, Some are self madness. We are way too busy so that we forget the joy of slowness, the comfort of slowness, the relax of slowness. The nerves are in tense for long so that we get used to it. Put aside your fast for a while, let everything goes slow. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, breath the fragrance of the rain hitting the grass, taste the aroma of a glass of green tea, listen to the beauty of a song.   "I would like to sing for you. No matter how today goes"   The arrangement combines some Indonesian traditional instruments with modern instrument. The sound of Indonesian bamboo flute creates a unique atmosphere of the night as if we were in a small town in Java, Indonesia, relax, free, and enjoyable. Exciting playing Angklung with local children. Also the sound of Gamelan which has a strong Bali atmosphere. Is it time again for us to have a trip to Bali?   「How Are You, Old Friend?」   How many true friends that we have? One or two in life is actually already a very good thing.   Modern people may think that they have many friends. But, if we look carefully, how many can really called good friends, how may among these good friends are old friends?   Some used to be good friends, now because of one and other reasons don't contact each other anymore. After the schoolmates have a job and then a family, they will have no time and no mood to make friend. Ones who still spare time to merely have dinner and chat with old friends in their busy life without any special purposes or benefits are truly good friends.   Some people are not contacted to each other anymore because they are tired of people comparing each other. Comparing who is more successful, who has more income, etc. It is often seen that people with high incomes only make friends with fellow high incomers because they think that lower incomers can't afford their lifestyle. Everyone would only be friends with ones who have the same income in order to not seem petty and low.   Every different age stage rearrange people's life and make more different in distance between friends. A true friend doesn't care what you have and what you don't have. They only matter friendship, cherish ones who are willing to understand them, encourage them in any situation, and never leave them. When we want to pour out, the always have time to listen. This kind of relation will go last very very long, even forever. Having one or two true friends in life is already a happy life.   Friends are hard to get. True friends are harder to have. Andy wrote this song as an expression of missing and praying for his old friends.   The Indonesian traditional instruments in this song are Bonang, Demung and Gangsa originated in the island of Java and Bali.   「Where Are You Now?」   American singer-song writer Keith Martin made a worldwide reputation with a hit single Because Of You, unprecedentedly makes his support on Andy's new album. After meeting at an event, the two agreed to work together for a song. After Andy explained his album's concept, the two locked themselves in a studio and came out with this song. This is a song with western R&B nuance, combined with oriental warm style of singing. This song was experimental but burst out a unique result, naturally and deeply express the feeling of missing someone in the night.   「Always Think Of You In Such A Night」   How can we forget someone we ever so love. We could say that we still love her, but can we really say it to her?   The night thinking of someone is the hardest night. Because memory always becomes sharp on the night.   「If You Just Leave (Regain Courage Version)」   Look strong, always considered by others as a role-model, a big bros has a weak time too. This song was written for a close friend who faced the low tide of his career and relationship. Frustration after frustration make him felt apart even once wanted to end his life. Luckily, the support from family and friends make him gain the courage to stand up again.   「Night Road (Street Corner Noodle Stall Version)」   In the night, when you are on your way home. Step by step walking on the road against the wind. Is there a plaint of helplessness. Is there happiness at the end of the road. As a matter of fact, for life, we all have to finish this night road.   The arrangement includes Indonesian traditional instruments such as Saluang, a traditional bamboo flute from Minangkabau people of West Sumatera. It's made from a very special Talang or Lemang Bamboo. It sounds very clear and melodius. The other is Siter, a Javanese zither. In the opening of the intro, there is a very unique female solo vocal which often heard in Gamelan. The singer who performs this way of singing called Pesindhen or Sinden which means female solo singer.
  夜晚是遼闊的。夜晚是漫長的。夜晚是寧靜的。夜晚是充滿想象的。   懂得享受夜晚的人是思緒豐富的人﹐是感性的人。   你在夜裡會想什麼﹖會不會想起曾經愛過的人﹖會不會猜想你的老朋友現在的生活如何﹖會不會忽然有想問問他們的境況的衝動﹖或者會想到在街邊擺攤賣麵的老先生﹖想着每晚必需夜歸的生活﹖或許也會懷念和爸爸相處的童年時光﹖   烈豐把這張專輯獻給在夜裡孤單的你。但也是在夜裡擁有遼闊自由的世界的你。你會是在夜裡經常思索的你。你也可能是在夜裡最喜歡享受人間故事的你。   專輯呈獻以親情﹐友情﹐愛情﹐和思鄉情為主題的歌曲。曲風涵蓋抒情﹐R&B﹐說唱﹐民謠﹐搖滾﹐充份展現出整張專輯製作的誠意與用心。為了讓大家更加了解烈豐的出生地印度尼西亞﹐專輯前所未有地把印尼傳統樂器融入在華語流行歌曲里﹐同時也把各種各樣的印尼傳統樂器介紹給聽者。   在夜裡傾聽印尼傳統音樂演奏特別有安心的感覺。也讓聽者由仿彿親身在印尼這個風情萬種的國家。   【曲目介紹】   「爸爸的老桌子」   從小生長在印尼偏鄉的邱烈豐一直都認為自己還是個鄉下人。他依然經常懷念過去單純﹐朴實的生活﹐熱情的鄉民﹐還有最令他難忘的是他小時候住的海上木屋以及最難忘的人就是他已故的父親。而當年父親的那張桌子也在烈豐心裡留下深深的情誼。   在這首歌曲裡烈豐用最簡單的言語給大家述說他們父子和這張木桌一起度過的時光。那回憶是溫馨的﹐而現實是心酸的。小孩離開家到遠方打拼後也只有這張老桌子陪伴這父親。努力追求上進的烈豐﹐想家時腦海會經常浮現父親在桌上寫字的場景。相信父親也經常會想起合孩子小時候在這桌上的互動。那畫面仿彿還是昨天。   這首歌表達出烈豐對父親深切的懷念與情義﹐相信會讓游子們感受到深刻的共鳴。   編曲的部份特別採用烈豐的家鄉印尼廖內省的傳統古老樂器來與現代嘻哈音樂結合﹐營造出濃濃的家鄉味。採用的廖內省傳統樂器有那飛利(nafiri)﹐巴爸諾(bebano)﹐ 嘎安佈斯(gambus)﹐搭冷澎(talempong)﹐阿格兒德安(akordeon)。   「等不到」   一見鐘情就是你見過她一面就從此每天都希望能再見到她。痴痴的一份愛也只能是盲的等待。每天會來曾經和她相見的地方。為了只是能有再一次的邂逅。是傻﹖是獃﹖其實這也是愛。   編曲融入印尼西爪哇傳統樂器昂格隆(Angklung 竹筒樂器)以及充滿巴厘島氣息的加麥蘭(Gamelan)﹐展現出從小生活在印尼的邱烈豐對印尼文化的的熱愛並把它融合在華語流行音樂裡。   「Cahaya Purnama (月滿明耀)」   為印尼雅加達前華裔省長鍾萬學所寫的一首歌。Cahaya Purnama (吒哈呀 佈而那嘜)是源自鍾萬學的印尼文名字 Basuki Tjahaja Purnama。意思是月圓的光芒。以處在黑暗里的光描繪他的經歷。他依然無怨無悔為世界綻放光芒。人可能把月亮鎖在門外﹐但無法鎖住它綻放的光。   「一起看月亮」   重要的不是做什麼﹐而是和誰在一起。和對的人在一起﹐哪怕只是靜靜地坐著看月亮也感覺是世上最浪漫的事。一直以來都很希望和自己心愛的人有獨處的時候。只要靜靜地坐着﹑聊天﹑分享心裡話﹑說說對彼此的感覺。當這一幕真正發生的時候感覺是多麼的喜悅﹑興奮又帶有一些緊張。   曲風獨特的一首歌。融合各種元素﹑唱法﹑營造出很特別的夜晚與心愛的人一起賞月的情景。簡單的場景卻可以讓人感到豐富多采。音樂的編排描繪出當時心裡的興奮﹑快樂﹑感恩﹑是彼此期待已久的一刻。   「我願為你歌唱」   “算算有多少時間我們都在匆忙 何不找個午後聽聽細雨在歌唱”   現代人總在過着快速的生活。有些是不得不快﹐有些是自我瘋狂。我們或許忙到忘了去享受慢的樂趣﹐慢的自在﹐慢的輕鬆。神經長期緊繃﹐因此也習慣了緊繃的狀態。暫時放下你的快吧﹗把一切放慢。閉上眼睛﹐深呼吸﹐聞一聞雨水打在草地上的香氣﹐嘗一嘗一口清茶的芬芳﹐聽一聽一首歌曲的美好。   “我願為你歌唱 不管世界怎麼樣”。   在編曲里聽到了幾種印尼傳統樂器與現代樂器的合奏。印尼竹笛的聲音營造出夜晚獨特的氛圍﹐仿彿身在印尼爪哇島的某個小鎮﹐自在﹐寫意﹐放鬆心情。和當地的一群小朋友一起玩昂格隆竹筒樂器。加麥蘭有濃濃的巴厘島氣息。是不是應該放開心情到巴厘島度個假了呢﹖   「老朋友﹐你好嗎﹖」   我們有幾個真正的好朋友﹖人的一生中能擁有一兩個就已經很難得了。   現代人可能都覺得自己有很多朋友﹐但仔細看看有幾個真正稱得上是好朋友﹖好朋友當中又有幾個是老朋友了﹖   有些曾經的好朋友﹐如今因為各種緣故而沒有再聯絡了。求學時期的同學踏入社會﹐擁有家庭之後就已沒有時間﹐沒有心情﹐或者沒有閑情再交朋友了。在百忙之中﹐壓力之中還願意抽出時間單純地﹐不是為了某種目的或利益約老朋友出來吃飯聊天的是真正的好朋友。   有人不互相聯絡了的因為是對彼此的互相比較感到厭煩了。比較誰比誰更有成就﹐誰比誰賺的錢更多。經常看到的是收入高的人只跟收入高的人做朋友因為覺得收入比他們低的人跟不上他們的生活方式。大家都只和自己收入相對相同的人做朋友才不會顯得卑微。   每個年齡階層給人帶來的改編也改編了朋友和朋友之間的距離。真正的好朋友不會理會你現在擁有什麼﹐沒有什麼。他只重視難得擁有的情義﹐難得願意了解自己的對方﹐難得在什麼情況下都鼓勵﹐不離不棄。當你需要傾訴時﹐他總會有時間在你身旁傾聽。這種關係將延續很久很久﹐甚至到永久。   這樣的朋友﹐一生中有一兩個就已是幸福。   朋友難得﹐知己難求。不斷懷念﹐不斷為老朋友祈禱的烈豐寫下了這首歌。   這首歌曲中聽到的印尼傳統樂器是源自西爪島和巴厘島的博囔(Bonang)﹐德孟(Demung)﹐和港薩(Gangsa)。   「你在那裡﹖」   曾經以一首 Because Of You (因為你) 紅遍西洋樂壇的美國創作歌手凱斯.馬丁 (Keith Martin)破天荒地也為烈豐的這張新專輯助陣。兩人在一次活動上碰面後就約定要一起創作。當烈豐為馬丁講解這張專輯的概念後﹐兩人就關在錄音室里一起完成了這首歌。帶著充滿西方色彩的節奏藍調配上東方溫暖氣息的唱腔﹐這首歌充滿實驗性﹐也迸出一種獨特感﹐把在夜裡想念一個人的心情表現地自然﹐深刻。   「總是在這樣的夜晚想起你」   愛過的人怎能說忘就忘。我們總是會說依然想她﹐但又有沒有勇氣對他說在想她呢﹖想一個人的夜晚是最難熬的。因為回憶總在夜裡特別銳利。   在夜深人靜的時候﹐自己面對着自己﹐腦海卻不斷浮現曾經這樣陪着自己的那個她。想用看書﹑看戲﹑聽音樂來把注意力分散掉﹐卻還是無法抹去對她的思念。   「如果你就這樣走了 (找回勇氣版)」   外表堅強﹐一直都被大家視為大哥榜樣的人也有脆弱的時候。這首歌曲的誕生是因為一位面對感情和事業低潮的好朋友。連續的挫折讓他崩潰﹐甚至一度想結束生命。還好家人和好友的鼓勵與支持讓他重新站起來。   「夜路 (街角面攤版)」   當你在夜裡趕路回家﹐一步一步地走在逆風的道路﹐心裡是否感嘆着一種無奈﹐路的盡頭是否有幸福的存在。其實為了生活﹐我們都要走完這條夜路。   編曲融合印度尼西亞傳統樂器。有西蘇門答臘米南加保族的傳統竹笛撒露昂。這種笛子用短枝黃金竹製成﹐聲音特別清脆。另外有爪哇古箏希特爾。前奏開頭中聽到的獨特的女聲是一種獨特的印尼爪哇加麥蘭管弦樂中的獨特唱法。演唱者被稱為叭辛登或辛登﹐意思是女主唱。   Night is vast. Night is long. Night is peaceful. Night is full of imagination.   People who know how to enjoy the night are ones with rich and sensitive feeling.   What would you do in the night? Would you think of someone you loved before? Would you guess how your old buddies are? Would you suddenly have the urge to extend greetings to them? Or you would think of the old noodle hawker on the street side you met? Think of the life of coming home late every night? Or missing the childhood time when we spent time with Daddy?   This album is for everyone alone in the night, but also everyone who has vast and free world in the night. Maybe you are the one who think a lot in the night. You may also be the one who enjoy stories in the night.   This album features the songs about family, friendship, love, and homesickness. The genre includes ballads, R&B, rap, folk, and rock, fully demonstrates the sincerity and dedication of the entire album. In order to let everyone know more about the birthplace of Andy, Indonesia, the album has integrated Indonesian traditional instruments into Chinese pop songs like never before. And tt the same time, introduces various Indonesian traditional instruments to the listeners.   Listening to Indonesian traditional music at night is specially reassuring. It also makes the listener feel like being in this amorous country, Indonesia.   【Song Introductions:】   「Daddy's Old Desk」   Andy Qiu, who grew up in a remote village in Indonesia has always considered himself a villager. He still miss the simple, guileless life, warmhearted village people and the most unforgettable is their on-the-sea wooden house and the most unforgettable person is is father. His father's old desk back then is also a special memory in his heart.   In this song, Andy uses the most simple words to tell the memory of a father and a son with a inconspicuous wooden desk. The memory is warm, but reality is grieved. When children grew up and leave home to work, the old desk is the only thing left to accompany the father. Andy who works far away from home, when homesick, the scene of his father writing on the desk always appear in his mind. It's believed that father would always remember his interaction with his children around the desk. It should feel like happened yesterday.   This is a song that Andy wrote to express his deep love and yearning for his father. Children around the world that is also away from home would deeply feel the same way.   As for the arrangement, Andy uses the traditional instruments from his homeland Riau province, Indonesia and combines them with Hiphop music. It brings out a strong hometown ambience. The traditional instruments from Riau which include in are nafiri, bebano, gambus, talempong, dan akordeon.   「She Never Came」   Love in the first sight means you met her once and you want to meet her every single days. An infatuated love can only be a blind waiting. Everyday comes to the place that she came before, hoping for a chance to meet again. Is it stupid? Silly? But also love.   The arrangement of the song combines Angklung (bamboo instrument) from West Java and famous Gamelan from Bali. It shows Andy's love for Indonesian culture and combines it into Chinese pop music.   「Cahaya Purnama」   A song inspired by the former Chinese Governor of Jakarta, Indonesia. The title "Cahaya Purnama" is taken from his name Basuki Tjahaja Purnama which means the light of a full moon. Describing what he underwent was the light in the darkness.   「Seeing The Moon Together」   What is important is not what to do, but who to be with. Even sitting quietly watching the moon feels like the most romantic thing in the world. Have been hoping to have a private time with the one we love. Just by sitting together, having a chat, sharing, and talking about the feeling to each other. When it really happens, it's so joyful, exciting, but also brings nervousness.   It's a unique style of song. A combination of various music styles and singing styles, creating a scene of enjoying seeing the moon together with the loved one. A simple moment but can be so rich and colorful. The music arrangement depicts the excitement of that moment. It's happy, grateful. It's the moment that we are waiting for so long.   「Singing For You」   "It's so often that we say we are in a hurry, Why don't have an afternoon to listen to the singing rain?"   Modern people are always living a fast life. Some are forced to fast, Some are self madness. We are way too busy so that we forget the joy of slowness, the comfort of slowness, the relax of slowness. The nerves are in tense for long so that we get used to it. Put aside your fast for a while, let everything goes slow. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, breath the fragrance of the rain hitting the grass, taste the aroma of a glass of green tea, listen to the beauty of a song.   "I would like to sing for you. No matter how today goes"   The arrangement combines some Indonesian traditional instruments with modern instrument. The sound of Indonesian bamboo flute creates a unique atmosphere of the night as if we were in a small town in Java, Indonesia, relax, free, and enjoyable. Exciting playing Angklung with local children. Also the sound of Gamelan which has a strong Bali atmosphere. Is it time again for us to have a trip to Bali?   「How Are You, Old Friend?」   How many true friends that we have? One or two in life is actually already a very good thing.   Modern people may think that they have many friends. But, if we look carefully, how many can really called good friends, how may among these good friends are old friends?   Some used to be good friends, now because of one and other reasons don't contact each other anymore. After the schoolmates have a job and then a family, they will have no time and no mood to make friend. Ones who still spare time to merely have dinner and chat with old friends in their busy life without any special purposes or benefits are truly good friends.   Some people are not contacted to each other anymore because they are tired of people comparing each other. Comparing who is more successful, who has more income, etc. It is often seen that people with high incomes only make friends with fellow high incomers because they think that lower incomers can't afford their lifestyle. Everyone would only be friends with ones who have the same income in order to not seem petty and low.   Every different age stage rearrange people's life and make more different in distance between friends. A true friend doesn't care what you have and what you don't have. They only matter friendship, cherish ones who are willing to understand them, encourage them in any situation, and never leave them. When we want to pour out, the always have time to listen. This kind of relation will go last very very long, even forever. Having one or two true friends in life is already a happy life.   Friends are hard to get. True friends are harder to have. Andy wrote this song as an expression of missing and praying for his old friends.   The Indonesian traditional instruments in this song are Bonang, Demung and Gangsa originated in the island of Java and Bali.   「Where Are You Now?」   American singer-song writer Keith Martin made a worldwide reputation with a hit single Because Of You, unprecedentedly makes his support on Andy's new album. After meeting at an event, the two agreed to work together for a song. After Andy explained his album's concept, the two locked themselves in a studio and came out with this song. This is a song with western R&B nuance, combined with oriental warm style of singing. This song was experimental but burst out a unique result, naturally and deeply express the feeling of missing someone in the night.   「Always Think Of You In Such A Night」   How can we forget someone we ever so love. We could say that we still love her, but can we really say it to her?   The night thinking of someone is the hardest night. Because memory always becomes sharp on the night.   「If You Just Leave (Regain Courage Version)」   Look strong, always considered by others as a role-model, a big bros has a weak time too. This song was written for a close friend who faced the low tide of his career and relationship. Frustration after frustration make him felt apart even once wanted to end his life. Luckily, the support from family and friends make him gain the courage to stand up again.   「Night Road (Street Corner Noodle Stall Version)」   In the night, when you are on your way home. Step by step walking on the road against the wind. Is there a plaint of helplessness. Is there happiness at the end of the road. As a matter of fact, for life, we all have to finish this night road.   The arrangement includes Indonesian traditional instruments such as Saluang, a traditional bamboo flute from Minangkabau people of West Sumatera. It's made from a very special Talang or Lemang Bamboo. It sounds very clear and melodius. The other is Siter, a Javanese zither. In the opening of the intro, there is a very unique female solo vocal which often heard in Gamelan. The singer who performs this way of singing called Pesindhen or Sinden which means female solo singer.