Rosa Henderson Vol 4(1926 1931)

发行公司:Document Records Ltd.
简介:  by Scott YanowThe fourth and final CD in Document's Rosa Henderson series finishes off her recording career with nine numbers from 1926, a dozen from 1927, and two from 1931. Most notable are six numbers in which Rosa Henderson is accompanied by the great stride pianist James P. Johnson (including "Black Snake Moan" and "Can't Be Bothered With No Sheik"). Other selections have her assisted by the Three Hot Eskimos, the Four Black Diamonds, pianist Cliff Jackson, and cornetist Louis Metcalf. A perfectly done reissue series paying tribute to a talented if forgotten classic blues singer of the 1920s.
  by Scott YanowThe fourth and final CD in Document's Rosa Henderson series finishes off her recording career with nine numbers from 1926, a dozen from 1927, and two from 1931. Most notable are six numbers in which Rosa Henderson is accompanied by the great stride pianist James P. Johnson (including "Black Snake Moan" and "Can't Be Bothered With No Sheik"). Other selections have her assisted by the Three Hot Eskimos, the Four Black Diamonds, pianist Cliff Jackson, and cornetist Louis Metcalf. A perfectly done reissue series paying tribute to a talented if forgotten classic blues singer of the 1920s.