放空 Feat. Matthew Raven Tsang

简介:  【四部曲的音乐故事】   首部曲:《秋後》   关於她和她──放下与成长的音乐故事   贰部曲:《地圆》   关於他和他──无助与觉醒的音乐故事   叁部曲:《做工》   关於他和她──歧视与距离的音乐故事   终部曲:《放空》   关於她和他──意外与寻回的音乐故事   【听故事·放空】   2019年8月的最後一天,他和她都不会忘记。   繁重的工作,离地的人生。   那天她如常乘搭港铁上下班,却遇上意料之外事件。藉着放空,她重新探索自己,认清事实与真相。   但他回家的路,已变得很遥远。   多於5分钟,听听与感受,关於她和他的音乐故事。   作曲·编曲·配乐·和音·监制·制作 Matthew Raven Tsang   主唱 Shine滢儿   作词 Shine滢儿?苏德鸿 @ 地底乐团   声演 蔡婷婷   独白 苏德鸿 @ 地底乐团   插画 戆男   策划?监制?执行制作 Underground地底乐团   [Tetralogy music story]   Episode I : "After Autumn"   A music story about her and her——Break up and growing up   Episode II : "Ground Earth"   A Musical Story About Him and Him——Helplessness and Awakening   Episode III : "Work"   A music story about him and her——discrimination and distance   Episode IV : "Chill"   A Musical Story About Her and Him——Accident and Retrieve   [Listen to the music story · Chill]   On the last day of August 2019, neither he nor she will forget.   Heavy work, life off the ground.   That day, she took the MTR to and from work as usual, but encountered unexpected events. By letting go, she rediscovered herself and realized the truth and the truth.   But his way home has become very distant.   For more than 5 minutes, listen and feel, about her and his musical stories.   Compose, Arranger, Soundtrack, Backing Vocal, Record & Music Producer by Matthew Raven Tsang   Vocal by Shine   Lyricist by Shine, Jim So @ Underground   Voice Actress by Veronica Choi   Monologue by Jim So @ Underground   illustration by On Nam   Associate Producer, Music & Executive Producer by Underground
  【四部曲的音乐故事】   首部曲:《秋後》   关於她和她──放下与成长的音乐故事   贰部曲:《地圆》   关於他和他──无助与觉醒的音乐故事   叁部曲:《做工》   关於他和她──歧视与距离的音乐故事   终部曲:《放空》   关於她和他──意外与寻回的音乐故事   【听故事·放空】   2019年8月的最後一天,他和她都不会忘记。   繁重的工作,离地的人生。   那天她如常乘搭港铁上下班,却遇上意料之外事件。藉着放空,她重新探索自己,认清事实与真相。   但他回家的路,已变得很遥远。   多於5分钟,听听与感受,关於她和他的音乐故事。   作曲·编曲·配乐·和音·监制·制作 Matthew Raven Tsang   主唱 Shine滢儿   作词 Shine滢儿?苏德鸿 @ 地底乐团   声演 蔡婷婷   独白 苏德鸿 @ 地底乐团   插画 戆男   策划?监制?执行制作 Underground地底乐团   [Tetralogy music story]   Episode I : "After Autumn"   A music story about her and her——Break up and growing up   Episode II : "Ground Earth"   A Musical Story About Him and Him——Helplessness and Awakening   Episode III : "Work"   A music story about him and her——discrimination and distance   Episode IV : "Chill"   A Musical Story About Her and Him——Accident and Retrieve   [Listen to the music story · Chill]   On the last day of August 2019, neither he nor she will forget.   Heavy work, life off the ground.   That day, she took the MTR to and from work as usual, but encountered unexpected events. By letting go, she rediscovered herself and realized the truth and the truth.   But his way home has become very distant.   For more than 5 minutes, listen and feel, about her and his musical stories.   Compose, Arranger, Soundtrack, Backing Vocal, Record & Music Producer by Matthew Raven Tsang   Vocal by Shine   Lyricist by Shine, Jim So @ Underground   Voice Actress by Veronica Choi   Monologue by Jim So @ Underground   illustration by On Nam   Associate Producer, Music & Executive Producer by Underground