新吹奏乐 Feat. Littlebrother Kel.L

简介:  由《Pick》到《Free Funk Brass》   22年100+首地底乐团音乐   您   最喜欢哪首呢   由歌名串连的Demo   编写成一首接一首动人心弦的Funky Jazz Brass   您   又喜欢哪一首呢   Littlebrother Kel.L 罗皓贤,对管乐抱有热诚的设计师,十多年的演出生涯,由香港到海外的大型活动和比赛都有他的身影。   於芬兰留学期间,Littlebrother Kel.L由心感受到艺术教育对年轻人的正面影响,希望能够提供更多机会给年青一辈藉住音乐见识世界,而成立了TheTwistmen乐团。透过音乐活动,建立正向价值观和丰富人生阅历。   近年Littlebrother Kel.L积极编写及创作管乐作品,令团员可以按照一定速度成长,亦挑战自己对不同曲风与音乐类别的理解。   《Free Funk Brass》曲风以Funk为基础,混合不同的音乐元素互相交织与碰撞,展现音乐及乐手之间的可能性。   亦是担任编曲的Littlebrother Kel.L,对於艺术教育其中一个核心价值的展现——呈现可能性。   From "Pick" to "Free Funk Brass"   100+ Underground music in 22 years   Which   one is your favourite?   Arranging One by one, linked with the title of Demo.   <Funky Jazz Brass>   Which   one do you like?   Littlebrother Kel.L is a product designer who also passionated in music. He participated in major local and overseas events and competitions for the past decade.   Kel.L experienced the impact of art education on new generation when he was studying in Helsinki, Finland.   As he established TheTwistmen - a windband aimming at creating positive values, enriching life experience and provide opportunities for the new generations to achieve personal goals.   Kel.L works on arranging and composing wind music projects for his crew as a challenge for himself. For testing the understanding of different genres and music categories.   The style of "Free Funk Brass" is based on Funk, jamming with different elements to collide together. In terms of showing the possibility between music and musicians.   The arranger also presents his core vision of art education - exploring the possibility.
  由《Pick》到《Free Funk Brass》   22年100+首地底乐团音乐   您   最喜欢哪首呢   由歌名串连的Demo   编写成一首接一首动人心弦的Funky Jazz Brass   您   又喜欢哪一首呢   Littlebrother Kel.L 罗皓贤,对管乐抱有热诚的设计师,十多年的演出生涯,由香港到海外的大型活动和比赛都有他的身影。   於芬兰留学期间,Littlebrother Kel.L由心感受到艺术教育对年轻人的正面影响,希望能够提供更多机会给年青一辈藉住音乐见识世界,而成立了TheTwistmen乐团。透过音乐活动,建立正向价值观和丰富人生阅历。   近年Littlebrother Kel.L积极编写及创作管乐作品,令团员可以按照一定速度成长,亦挑战自己对不同曲风与音乐类别的理解。   《Free Funk Brass》曲风以Funk为基础,混合不同的音乐元素互相交织与碰撞,展现音乐及乐手之间的可能性。   亦是担任编曲的Littlebrother Kel.L,对於艺术教育其中一个核心价值的展现——呈现可能性。   From "Pick" to "Free Funk Brass"   100+ Underground music in 22 years   Which   one is your favourite?   Arranging One by one, linked with the title of Demo.   <Funky Jazz Brass>   Which   one do you like?   Littlebrother Kel.L is a product designer who also passionated in music. He participated in major local and overseas events and competitions for the past decade.   Kel.L experienced the impact of art education on new generation when he was studying in Helsinki, Finland.   As he established TheTwistmen - a windband aimming at creating positive values, enriching life experience and provide opportunities for the new generations to achieve personal goals.   Kel.L works on arranging and composing wind music projects for his crew as a challenge for himself. For testing the understanding of different genres and music categories.   The style of "Free Funk Brass" is based on Funk, jamming with different elements to collide together. In terms of showing the possibility between music and musicians.   The arranger also presents his core vision of art education - exploring the possibility.