都市~Lonely Night~

简介:  都市~Lonely Night~是一首City Pop 风格的歌曲,由Delta T 作曲、编曲、监制,与Uka Yeung 一同作词。   歌曲运用80年代日本流行的音色、Funk guitar、强烈的节奏及泡沫音效去描画城市夜晚、都会风光。   Delta T 创作此歌时参考多首City Pop 歌曲。与Uka Yeung 创作歌词时,亦参考了80年代常用的歌词表达手法,也使用大量80年代的特色,茶餐厅、卡式带、舞池、霓虹灯等等去描绘城市繁华与心灵空虚的对比,再用快乐掩盖忧伤,及时行乐。   City~Lonely Night~ is a City Pop song composed, arranged, and produced by Delta T, and lyrics was wrote with Uka Yeung.   The song filled with the 80s popular Japanese style sound, Funk guitar, strong rhythm and bubble sound effects in the night city vibe.   Delta T referenced several City Pop songs. When composing the lyrics with Uka Yeung, they also wrote in a 80s style to depict the contrast between the bustling city and the emptiness of soul. Happiness covers sorrow and has fun in time.
  都市~Lonely Night~是一首City Pop 风格的歌曲,由Delta T 作曲、编曲、监制,与Uka Yeung 一同作词。   歌曲运用80年代日本流行的音色、Funk guitar、强烈的节奏及泡沫音效去描画城市夜晚、都会风光。   Delta T 创作此歌时参考多首City Pop 歌曲。与Uka Yeung 创作歌词时,亦参考了80年代常用的歌词表达手法,也使用大量80年代的特色,茶餐厅、卡式带、舞池、霓虹灯等等去描绘城市繁华与心灵空虚的对比,再用快乐掩盖忧伤,及时行乐。   City~Lonely Night~ is a City Pop song composed, arranged, and produced by Delta T, and lyrics was wrote with Uka Yeung.   The song filled with the 80s popular Japanese style sound, Funk guitar, strong rhythm and bubble sound effects in the night city vibe.   Delta T referenced several City Pop songs. When composing the lyrics with Uka Yeung, they also wrote in a 80s style to depict the contrast between the bustling city and the emptiness of soul. Happiness covers sorrow and has fun in time.