简介:  野东西首张达悟族语创作专辑《溯UNDO》收录七首原创族语歌曲,词、曲、编曲皆由团员共同完成,而其中一首传统古调「拍手歌」,为本专辑族语指导陈俊良老师的外公郭户由先生(已故)演唱。   整张创作专辑除为乐团对十年演唱生涯所做的回顾与反思,封面以赛博庞克(Cyberpunk)的影像来表达千禧后科技加速发展,人类反面临更加扭曲与虚无的灰黯世界,当地球上所有资源被巨兽企业垄断之后,可能产生「高端科技与低端人生」(high tech and low life)的大哉问。以飞行船示意为达悟的拼板舟,在倒影与现实之间隐喻过去、现在及未来的穿梭。   专辑名称《溯UNDO》,有破坏、重新(生)、过去与未来的意义,未来的意义在于不曾被过去所经歷,以及不断地被更新,我们活在无限可能的世界里,在高度发展的科技环境中,现实(过去/破坏)与虚拟(未来/重新「生」)之间的界线越来越模煳,看似两个对立的端点之间却只有一线之隔。   The first Wild Thing’s Tao language creation album【UNDO】contains seven original language ethnic songs,including the lyrics,melody,and arrangements are all completed together by the group members.One of the traditional hackneyed tunes,"Clap Song",was a vocal performance by the guidance of this ethnic language album,Mr.Chen Junliang’s grandfather,Guo Huyou(deceased.)   This album creation is made to commemorate its ten-year singing career as a review and reflection.The cover of the album is composed of cyberpunk images to express the accelerated development of science and technology after the millennium,that humans have to face the gloomy world of distortion and nihilism.When all the resources on the earth are monopolized by giant enterprises,there might cause a big question of"high tech and low life.“So,we use a metaphor to signify the Tatala(a Fishing Boat of Orchi)between the inverted image and reality,like the shuttle in the past,the present,and the future.   The title of this album【UNDO】has purport of destruction,renewal(reborn,)past and future.The meaning of the future is based on the past which has never been experienced and will constantly be updated.And we live in a world full of infinite possibilities.In a highly developed technological environment,there is a demarcation line between reality(past/destruction)and the virtual(future/rebirth,)has been getting more blurred,and actually,it is only a line between these two opposing points.Sometimes life can be complicated,if you look at another angle,things will become simple.
  野东西首张达悟族语创作专辑《溯UNDO》收录七首原创族语歌曲,词、曲、编曲皆由团员共同完成,而其中一首传统古调「拍手歌」,为本专辑族语指导陈俊良老师的外公郭户由先生(已故)演唱。   整张创作专辑除为乐团对十年演唱生涯所做的回顾与反思,封面以赛博庞克(Cyberpunk)的影像来表达千禧后科技加速发展,人类反面临更加扭曲与虚无的灰黯世界,当地球上所有资源被巨兽企业垄断之后,可能产生「高端科技与低端人生」(high tech and low life)的大哉问。以飞行船示意为达悟的拼板舟,在倒影与现实之间隐喻过去、现在及未来的穿梭。   专辑名称《溯UNDO》,有破坏、重新(生)、过去与未来的意义,未来的意义在于不曾被过去所经歷,以及不断地被更新,我们活在无限可能的世界里,在高度发展的科技环境中,现实(过去/破坏)与虚拟(未来/重新「生」)之间的界线越来越模煳,看似两个对立的端点之间却只有一线之隔。   The first Wild Thing’s Tao language creation album【UNDO】contains seven original language ethnic songs,including the lyrics,melody,and arrangements are all completed together by the group members.One of the traditional hackneyed tunes,"Clap Song",was a vocal performance by the guidance of this ethnic language album,Mr.Chen Junliang’s grandfather,Guo Huyou(deceased.)   This album creation is made to commemorate its ten-year singing career as a review and reflection.The cover of the album is composed of cyberpunk images to express the accelerated development of science and technology after the millennium,that humans have to face the gloomy world of distortion and nihilism.When all the resources on the earth are monopolized by giant enterprises,there might cause a big question of"high tech and low life.“So,we use a metaphor to signify the Tatala(a Fishing Boat of Orchi)between the inverted image and reality,like the shuttle in the past,the present,and the future.   The title of this album【UNDO】has purport of destruction,renewal(reborn,)past and future.The meaning of the future is based on the past which has never been experienced and will constantly be updated.And we live in a world full of infinite possibilities.In a highly developed technological environment,there is a demarcation line between reality(past/destruction)and the virtual(future/rebirth,)has been getting more blurred,and actually,it is only a line between these two opposing points.Sometimes life can be complicated,if you look at another angle,things will become simple.