野东西(Wild Thing),成军于2011年,臺湾摇滚乐团。其音乐深受80年代美式摇滚影响,带有浓厚美式硬汉与狂野风格,歌词创作灵感源自于生活观察和体验,并结合中/英语、达悟族语等语言。团员们具深厚音乐素养,才型兼备,加之长年累积的功底,感染力十足的现场演出,直慑心魄,其主唱(阿良)硬汉式的唱腔彷彿让80年代重摇滚的辉煌岁月重出江湖。   现任团员/   吉他手、团长:赛克(Zack)   主唱:阿良(Liang)   吉他手:杰克(Jack)   贝斯手:晨霖(XO)   鼓手:阿海(Ravenel)   Wild Thing,a Taiwanese rock band,was formed in 2011.Its music has deeply influenced by the 1980s American music rock and came out with the strong American wild tough guys style.And the creation of lyrics is inspired by life observations and experiences,and mix unique taste with Mandarin/English,Tao family language,and some others.The members of this group have solid musical literacy and combine with both great talents and appearances,plus the accumulated skills over the years.The stirring live performance always vibrated audiences’hearts,especially the special tough guy-like singing of the lead singer(Aliang)seems to have revived the 1980s glorious years of heavy rock and re-surface to the present day.   The Current members   Guitarist.Head:Zack   Lead singer:Liang   Guitar player:Jack   Bass player:XO   Drummer:Ravenel
  野东西(Wild Thing),成军于2011年,臺湾摇滚乐团。其音乐深受80年代美式摇滚影响,带有浓厚美式硬汉与狂野风格,歌词创作灵感源自于生活观察和体验,并结合中/英语、达悟族语等语言。团员们具深厚音乐素养,才型兼备,加之长年累积的功底,感染力十足的现场演出,直慑心魄,其主唱(阿良)硬汉式的唱腔彷彿让80年代重摇滚的辉煌岁月重出江湖。   现任团员/   吉他手、团长:赛克(Zack)   主唱:阿良(Liang)   吉他手:杰克(Jack)   贝斯手:晨霖(XO)   鼓手:阿海(Ravenel)   Wild Thing,a Taiwanese rock band,was formed in 2011.Its music has deeply influenced by the 1980s American music rock and came out with the strong American wild tough guys style.And the creation of lyrics is inspired by life observations and experiences,and mix unique taste with Mandarin/English,Tao family language,and some others.The members of this group have solid musical literacy and combine with both great talents and appearances,plus the accumulated skills over the years.The stirring live performance always vibrated audiences’hearts,especially the special tough guy-like singing of the lead singer(Aliang)seems to have revived the 1980s glorious years of heavy rock and re-surface to the present day.   The Current members   Guitarist.Head:Zack   Lead singer:Liang   Guitar player:Jack   Bass player:XO   Drummer:Ravenel
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