简介:  Mature"熟"与Origin"初"、 Play"玩"这三张专辑是一个Series,相信不难看出三张专辑的排序方式代表的意涵。   Mature "熟" 是这个Series 的最后一张专辑,里面的曲子的创作发想根源就是Mature"熟"。   我自己认为熟这个字所构成的词都很有争议性,不知道大家怎么认为呢?譬如说如何去定义心智"成熟"与否呢?一段关系多密切或是认识一个人多久多深入才叫"熟识"?一件事物或技术多了解它才叫做"熟练"…等等,真的很难定义,可以说是见仁见智了。   专辑里的一首曲子Lemon Balm香蜂草 ,它的花语是:同理心/共鸣/同感/关怀/同情…,这花语意涵我觉得很Mature !当一个人不再过度彰显自我或说以自我为中心时,开始以同理心与关怀的心去接触这个世界,那么这个人的心灵就是在健康界线之上的。我认为成熟应该是心灵层面很健康的状态~   请您聆听这系列最后一张专辑的所有曲子,听看看是否有那番成熟的韵味在?!   祝福这个世界万物都互相和谐共鸣~      The three albums Mature/Origin/Play are a Series. I believe it is not difficult to see the meaning of the arrangement of the three albums.    "Mature" is the last album of this series, and the creative origin of the songs in it is "mature".   I personally think that the words formed by the word familiarity are very controversial. I don't know what you think? For example, how to define the "mature" of the mind? How close is a relationship or how long and deep you know a person is called "acquaintance"? Knowing a thing or technology is called "proficient"... etc. It is really difficult to define, it can be said that different people have different opinions.   Lemon Balm, a song on the album, has a flower language: empathy/resonance/sympathy/caring/sympathy... I think this flower language means a lot of mature! When it is the center, start to touch the world with empathy and caring, then this person's mind is above the health boundary. I think maturity should be a healthy state of mind~   Please listen to all the songs of the last album of this series and see if there is that mature charm?!   I wish everything in this world resonate in harmony with each other~
  Mature"熟"与Origin"初"、 Play"玩"这三张专辑是一个Series,相信不难看出三张专辑的排序方式代表的意涵。   Mature "熟" 是这个Series 的最后一张专辑,里面的曲子的创作发想根源就是Mature"熟"。   我自己认为熟这个字所构成的词都很有争议性,不知道大家怎么认为呢?譬如说如何去定义心智"成熟"与否呢?一段关系多密切或是认识一个人多久多深入才叫"熟识"?一件事物或技术多了解它才叫做"熟练"…等等,真的很难定义,可以说是见仁见智了。   专辑里的一首曲子Lemon Balm香蜂草 ,它的花语是:同理心/共鸣/同感/关怀/同情…,这花语意涵我觉得很Mature !当一个人不再过度彰显自我或说以自我为中心时,开始以同理心与关怀的心去接触这个世界,那么这个人的心灵就是在健康界线之上的。我认为成熟应该是心灵层面很健康的状态~   请您聆听这系列最后一张专辑的所有曲子,听看看是否有那番成熟的韵味在?!   祝福这个世界万物都互相和谐共鸣~      The three albums Mature/Origin/Play are a Series. I believe it is not difficult to see the meaning of the arrangement of the three albums.    "Mature" is the last album of this series, and the creative origin of the songs in it is "mature".   I personally think that the words formed by the word familiarity are very controversial. I don't know what you think? For example, how to define the "mature" of the mind? How close is a relationship or how long and deep you know a person is called "acquaintance"? Knowing a thing or technology is called "proficient"... etc. It is really difficult to define, it can be said that different people have different opinions.   Lemon Balm, a song on the album, has a flower language: empathy/resonance/sympathy/caring/sympathy... I think this flower language means a lot of mature! When it is the center, start to touch the world with empathy and caring, then this person's mind is above the health boundary. I think maturity should be a healthy state of mind~   Please listen to all the songs of the last album of this series and see if there is that mature charm?!   I wish everything in this world resonate in harmony with each other~