氛围器(Ambience Generator)

简介:  我好像很擅长拍脑门做决定。比如某一天半夜喝得有点晕的乎,晃晃悠悠回家的路上拍到了一处迎春花,我决心要把它作为未来某一张专辑的封面。比如我在某一个地方看到了“thermostat”这个需要咬舌好几次的词汇,立刻就想好了一个新的计划。   如果放在一年前,我绝不会想到能有这一张专辑的发行。就像是学生时期考语文的时候发现作文写不完了,一边紧张地手心脚心一齐冒汗,一边奋笔疾书和教室里的钟表赛跑一样,我在上传作品的最后一刻写下了这些文字。这些东西可能不比你的阑尾和智齿有用到哪去,也许再过一年这些文字也将对我毫无意义,但这张包含了六首歌的专辑,却是这个新鲜的、刚拆封的粗糙梦幻流行计划的第一份礼物。   盯着我最擅长捕捉的模糊花花草草照片看上十秒,然后打开这张专辑,从第一首歌听到最后,也许(我希望)你能稍微明白一些“氛围器”的本意:在所有人都在不断复制同一种风格的旋律的同时,恒温人员选择制造一种危险又无聊的气氛。它包括飘忽的合成器,笨拙的吉他旋律和鼓机,还有怎么也读不通的歌词——这些文字富含手机备忘录里所有的矫情词句,还有骑自行车和失眠的时候脑子里的一部分灵光一现。   是的,现在我可以感受到它了。   《氛围器(Ambience Generator)》-2021   作词:roubing   作曲:roubing   封面:roubing   It seems like that I'm always good at making immature decisions . For example, one day I was a little drunk in the middle of the night. I took a picture of a fuzzy winter jasmine on my way home. I am determined to take it as the cover of an album in the future. More than that, I saw the word "thermostat" which needs to bite my tongue several times somewhere, and I immediately thought of a new project.   I would never have thought of the release of this album one year ago. It's like when I found that I couldn't finish my composition when I took the Chinese test as a student, sweating nervously with my hands and feet, and writing hard to race against the clocks in the classroom. I wrote these words at the last moment of uploading my works. These things may not be more useful than your appendix and wisdom teeth. Maybe these words will be meaningless to me in the next year, but this album containing six songs is the first gift of this fresh, just opened rough dream pop project.   Stare at the fuzzy flowers photos I'm best at capturing for ten or more seconds, then open this album and hear it from the first song. Finally, maybe (I hope) you can understand the original meaning of some "ambience generator ": when everyone is constantly copying the melody of the same style, Thermostat chooses to create a dangerous and boring atmosphere. It includes erratic synthesizers, clumsy guitar melodies and drum machines, and unreadable lyrics - rich in all the affectation words in mobile phone memos, as well as part of the brain when cycling and insomnia.   And yes, I can feel it all around now.   Atmosphere Generator-2021   Lyrics: roubing   Composition: roubing   Artwork: roubing
  我好像很擅长拍脑门做决定。比如某一天半夜喝得有点晕的乎,晃晃悠悠回家的路上拍到了一处迎春花,我决心要把它作为未来某一张专辑的封面。比如我在某一个地方看到了“thermostat”这个需要咬舌好几次的词汇,立刻就想好了一个新的计划。   如果放在一年前,我绝不会想到能有这一张专辑的发行。就像是学生时期考语文的时候发现作文写不完了,一边紧张地手心脚心一齐冒汗,一边奋笔疾书和教室里的钟表赛跑一样,我在上传作品的最后一刻写下了这些文字。这些东西可能不比你的阑尾和智齿有用到哪去,也许再过一年这些文字也将对我毫无意义,但这张包含了六首歌的专辑,却是这个新鲜的、刚拆封的粗糙梦幻流行计划的第一份礼物。   盯着我最擅长捕捉的模糊花花草草照片看上十秒,然后打开这张专辑,从第一首歌听到最后,也许(我希望)你能稍微明白一些“氛围器”的本意:在所有人都在不断复制同一种风格的旋律的同时,恒温人员选择制造一种危险又无聊的气氛。它包括飘忽的合成器,笨拙的吉他旋律和鼓机,还有怎么也读不通的歌词——这些文字富含手机备忘录里所有的矫情词句,还有骑自行车和失眠的时候脑子里的一部分灵光一现。   是的,现在我可以感受到它了。   《氛围器(Ambience Generator)》-2021   作词:roubing   作曲:roubing   封面:roubing   It seems like that I'm always good at making immature decisions . For example, one day I was a little drunk in the middle of the night. I took a picture of a fuzzy winter jasmine on my way home. I am determined to take it as the cover of an album in the future. More than that, I saw the word "thermostat" which needs to bite my tongue several times somewhere, and I immediately thought of a new project.   I would never have thought of the release of this album one year ago. It's like when I found that I couldn't finish my composition when I took the Chinese test as a student, sweating nervously with my hands and feet, and writing hard to race against the clocks in the classroom. I wrote these words at the last moment of uploading my works. These things may not be more useful than your appendix and wisdom teeth. Maybe these words will be meaningless to me in the next year, but this album containing six songs is the first gift of this fresh, just opened rough dream pop project.   Stare at the fuzzy flowers photos I'm best at capturing for ten or more seconds, then open this album and hear it from the first song. Finally, maybe (I hope) you can understand the original meaning of some "ambience generator ": when everyone is constantly copying the melody of the same style, Thermostat chooses to create a dangerous and boring atmosphere. It includes erratic synthesizers, clumsy guitar melodies and drum machines, and unreadable lyrics - rich in all the affectation words in mobile phone memos, as well as part of the brain when cycling and insomnia.   And yes, I can feel it all around now.   Atmosphere Generator-2021   Lyrics: roubing   Composition: roubing   Artwork: roubing