希望 ∞

简介:  在指望中要喜乐   在患难中要忍耐   若盼望的仍不见   就必须忍耐等候   营造粗糙留白的音间   恰似混浊虚妄的世界   心存希望   忍耐到底   必然得救   Rejoice in hope   Be patient in affliction   If the hope is still not seen   Must wait patiently   Create rough spaces   Like a turbid and delusional world   Hope   endure to the end   Must be saved
  在指望中要喜乐   在患难中要忍耐   若盼望的仍不见   就必须忍耐等候   营造粗糙留白的音间   恰似混浊虚妄的世界   心存希望   忍耐到底   必然得救   Rejoice in hope   Be patient in affliction   If the hope is still not seen   Must wait patiently   Create rough spaces   Like a turbid and delusional world   Hope   endure to the end   Must be saved