
简介:  延续《盼望》• 伸延《相信》   台湾Wack +香港Underground   专辑封面摄自台北的深坑,这是一道谁都能爬上来的阶梯,就看你上不上来。   跟相信一样,谁都能信,就看你信不信。   Continue "Look forward to" Extend "Believe"   Taiwan Wack + Hong Kong Underground   The album cover was taken from the deep pit in Taipei. This is a ladder that anyone can climb up, it depends on whether you can climb up.   Just like believing, anyone can believe, it depends on whether you believe it or not.
  延续《盼望》• 伸延《相信》   台湾Wack +香港Underground   专辑封面摄自台北的深坑,这是一道谁都能爬上来的阶梯,就看你上不上来。   跟相信一样,谁都能信,就看你信不信。   Continue "Look forward to" Extend "Believe"   Taiwan Wack + Hong Kong Underground   The album cover was taken from the deep pit in Taipei. This is a ladder that anyone can climb up, it depends on whether you can climb up.   Just like believing, anyone can believe, it depends on whether you believe it or not.