快乐王子 Happy Prince

简介:  《快乐王子》 (feat. 林以乐 YILE LIN )   邀请受到金音奖肯定的歌手、雀斑乐团主唱“林以乐”共同合作。她擅长以细腻且敏锐的词曲,描写深刻情感;以直觉却脱俗的和声,建构音乐场景。歌曲开头以贝斯点弦与歌声互映,轻快编曲在故事开展后,转变为激烈摇滚节奏。歌曲以当代视角,重新诠释经典预言《快乐王子》。   《夜洋风景》 (Orchestra ver)( feat. 洪申豪、高雄市管乐团)   《夜洋风景》 最初收录于《平衡》EP中,和台湾著名的庞克乐团“透明杂志”主唱洪申豪合作而成。十周年版本,再次邀请洪申豪献唱,并加入管乐编曲。曲中以五拍的特殊拍号,打造特别而悠扬的氛围。在加入铜管、木管后更显得气势浩大。   "Happy Prince" (feat. Yi-Le Lin)   Lin is a Golden Indie Music Awards winning vocalist and front woman of Freckles. Known for her sharp yet emotional lyrics and songwriting, “Happy Prince” starts with lighter vocal and bass notes joining hands before assuming a harder, more rock oriented identity. This is a modern reinterpretation of the Oscar Wilde tales of the same name.   "Ocean in the Night"- orchestra version (feat. Hom Shen-Hao and Kaohsiung City Wind Ensemble)   Yet another cut from the 2013 EP Balance, the song gets a strong vocal contribution from Hom Shen-Hao (of punk act Touming Magazine). Hung returns for the anniversary version, now with an orchestral upgrade, results in a much grander sound courtesy of brass and wood-wind instruments and a new quintuple meter arrangement.
  《快乐王子》 (feat. 林以乐 YILE LIN )   邀请受到金音奖肯定的歌手、雀斑乐团主唱“林以乐”共同合作。她擅长以细腻且敏锐的词曲,描写深刻情感;以直觉却脱俗的和声,建构音乐场景。歌曲开头以贝斯点弦与歌声互映,轻快编曲在故事开展后,转变为激烈摇滚节奏。歌曲以当代视角,重新诠释经典预言《快乐王子》。   《夜洋风景》 (Orchestra ver)( feat. 洪申豪、高雄市管乐团)   《夜洋风景》 最初收录于《平衡》EP中,和台湾著名的庞克乐团“透明杂志”主唱洪申豪合作而成。十周年版本,再次邀请洪申豪献唱,并加入管乐编曲。曲中以五拍的特殊拍号,打造特别而悠扬的氛围。在加入铜管、木管后更显得气势浩大。   "Happy Prince" (feat. Yi-Le Lin)   Lin is a Golden Indie Music Awards winning vocalist and front woman of Freckles. Known for her sharp yet emotional lyrics and songwriting, “Happy Prince” starts with lighter vocal and bass notes joining hands before assuming a harder, more rock oriented identity. This is a modern reinterpretation of the Oscar Wilde tales of the same name.   "Ocean in the Night"- orchestra version (feat. Hom Shen-Hao and Kaohsiung City Wind Ensemble)   Yet another cut from the 2013 EP Balance, the song gets a strong vocal contribution from Hom Shen-Hao (of punk act Touming Magazine). Hung returns for the anniversary version, now with an orchestral upgrade, results in a much grander sound courtesy of brass and wood-wind instruments and a new quintuple meter arrangement.