You know how

发行公司:StreetVoice/Fairygood Music
简介:  当我需要你的时候,你总能找到我   不需言语,只要一个眼神,就能懂得   奇幻宝藏女孩LÜCY 2024作品二号即将登入地球   先行曲〈You know how〉8/27宇宙无敌浪漫发行   写一首关于灵魂伴侣的夜间情歌,用音乐描绘「从彼此的眼眸深处,看见对方的灵魂」。她说,当听见彼此的呼吸声就能感受到对方的存在,那是一种比肌肤触碰更深层的连接。   这也是一种跨越语言的默契,在不经意地擦身而过之后,最后还是相遇,仿佛是有人偷偷地将我们配对相处,用行动告诉我们有多适合彼此。 以魔法般让人沉醉的Bedroom Pop惊艳众人的LÜCY,即将推出第二张创作专辑,并首次担任部分歌曲的制作人与编曲家——她过往对demo的执着,认为应保持原貌,但此次希望突破自我,制作出能反映当前心境的崭新版本,而不再只停留过往写歌的高光时刻。   作为新专辑的首支曝光单曲〈You know how〉,正标志着她的进化。这首歌曾以木吉他Live版本抢先亮相于「Fender Next」计划,并在社群平台上获得超过五十万次观看;如今的录音室版本,依然以细腻、轻柔的木吉他旋律揭序,后半伴随着鼓组的加入,并用大量如在耳畔边私语的和声层层堆叠,带出迷幻民谣摇滚风格,呈现如宇宙般辽阔的空间感。   当她哼给你听,最梦幻的旋律。或许,就是要让你知道,这个世界上一定有一个懂你的人。陪你在深夜里,让你知道自己,再也不是一个孤独的人。   Write a nighttime love song about soulmates that captures the essence of "seeing each other’s soul through the depths of one another’s eyes". She describes how hearing each other's breath creates a deeper connection than mere physical touch, an intimacy that surpasses the tactile.   This connection also transcends language—a silent understanding that, even after accidental encounters, leads to a final meeting as if someone has subtly orchestrated our union, demonstrating just how perfectly matched we are.   LÜCY, the enchanting Bedroom Pop artist known for her mesmerizing sound, is set to release her second album. For the first time, she will also take on the roles of producer and arranger for several tracks. While she previously focused on preserving the original form of her demos, she now aims to create new versions that reflect her current mindset, evolving beyond her past songwriting achievements.   The first single from the new album, "You Know How," signifies her artistic growth. This track initially premiered as an acoustic guitar live version through the "Fender Next" project and received over 500,000 views on social media. The studio version begins with delicate, soothing guitar melodies, later incorporating drums and layered harmonies that whisper like a close companion, creating a dreamy folk rock atmosphere with a vast, cosmic sense of space.   When she hums it to you, it’s the most dreamlike melody. Perhaps it’s to remind you that there is someone out there who truly understands you. Someone who will be with you in the stillness of the night, making you realize that you are no longer alone.
  当我需要你的时候,你总能找到我   不需言语,只要一个眼神,就能懂得   奇幻宝藏女孩LÜCY 2024作品二号即将登入地球   先行曲〈You know how〉8/27宇宙无敌浪漫发行   写一首关于灵魂伴侣的夜间情歌,用音乐描绘「从彼此的眼眸深处,看见对方的灵魂」。她说,当听见彼此的呼吸声就能感受到对方的存在,那是一种比肌肤触碰更深层的连接。   这也是一种跨越语言的默契,在不经意地擦身而过之后,最后还是相遇,仿佛是有人偷偷地将我们配对相处,用行动告诉我们有多适合彼此。 以魔法般让人沉醉的Bedroom Pop惊艳众人的LÜCY,即将推出第二张创作专辑,并首次担任部分歌曲的制作人与编曲家——她过往对demo的执着,认为应保持原貌,但此次希望突破自我,制作出能反映当前心境的崭新版本,而不再只停留过往写歌的高光时刻。   作为新专辑的首支曝光单曲〈You know how〉,正标志着她的进化。这首歌曾以木吉他Live版本抢先亮相于「Fender Next」计划,并在社群平台上获得超过五十万次观看;如今的录音室版本,依然以细腻、轻柔的木吉他旋律揭序,后半伴随着鼓组的加入,并用大量如在耳畔边私语的和声层层堆叠,带出迷幻民谣摇滚风格,呈现如宇宙般辽阔的空间感。   当她哼给你听,最梦幻的旋律。或许,就是要让你知道,这个世界上一定有一个懂你的人。陪你在深夜里,让你知道自己,再也不是一个孤独的人。   Write a nighttime love song about soulmates that captures the essence of "seeing each other’s soul through the depths of one another’s eyes". She describes how hearing each other's breath creates a deeper connection than mere physical touch, an intimacy that surpasses the tactile.   This connection also transcends language—a silent understanding that, even after accidental encounters, leads to a final meeting as if someone has subtly orchestrated our union, demonstrating just how perfectly matched we are.   LÜCY, the enchanting Bedroom Pop artist known for her mesmerizing sound, is set to release her second album. For the first time, she will also take on the roles of producer and arranger for several tracks. While she previously focused on preserving the original form of her demos, she now aims to create new versions that reflect her current mindset, evolving beyond her past songwriting achievements.   The first single from the new album, "You Know How," signifies her artistic growth. This track initially premiered as an acoustic guitar live version through the "Fender Next" project and received over 500,000 views on social media. The studio version begins with delicate, soothing guitar melodies, later incorporating drums and layered harmonies that whisper like a close companion, creating a dreamy folk rock atmosphere with a vast, cosmic sense of space.   When she hums it to you, it’s the most dreamlike melody. Perhaps it’s to remind you that there is someone out there who truly understands you. Someone who will be with you in the stillness of the night, making you realize that you are no longer alone.
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