Nothing ever stops me

发行公司:StreetVoice/Fairygood Music
简介:  有时,看似遥远却又很近   距离,使我们成长,让我们的心更加强壮   加拿大梦幻流行唱作人 Jaguar Sun X 奇幻宝藏女孩 LÜCY   重磅跨国合作、远端连线之炙热情歌〈Nothing ever stops me〉   来自加拿大南安大略的 Jaguar Sun,他有着柔和的低喃嗓音,并擅长于电子编曲中融合梦幻流行、摇滚和民谣等乐风。最初,他是为了想逃避社交压力与繁忙的平面设计工作才开始接触音乐创作,没想到就此展开一段 Bedroom Pop 的创作之旅。   而这次的合作源于 LÜCY 在数位平台上偶然听到 Jaguar Sun 的〈I Feel it〉,她表示:“一首歌并不一定要有框架的限制。这首歌让我回想起做音乐的初衷,因为编曲风格跟我最想做的音乐很相似。”儘管大家普遍认为副歌的旋律和歌词是整首歌曲的高潮,但对 LÜCY 而言,Jaguar Sun 却用纯粹的编曲来呈现音乐的亮点,虽无歌词竟能打造出迷离的氛围感,这点深深吸引了她,因此决定邀请他一起合作单曲。   Jaguar Sun 也形容 LÜCY 的音乐非常迷人,能与这样的声音合作是他的梦想。儘管他们远隔两地、只能靠著传讯息不停讨论,但语言却从未成为障碍,两人以音乐为共同沟通语彙,还在歌词中结合了双方的母语。这段合作如同歌曲的心境主题——“远距离恋爱”——纵使距离与时间成为挑战,多数人会以为是在追逐遥不可及的梦,但当你听到来自千里之外的声音,彷彿对方就在你身边。   〈Nothing ever stops me〉亦象徵了远距离关係中的挑战。与心爱的人分隔两地需要极大的努力来维繫感情,但它同时也表达了面对分离的痛苦时,让关係继续下去的力量。整首歌曲由 LÜCY 跟 Jaguar Sun 共同担任制作人与编曲,用充满空间感的电吉他音色及梦幻的合成器声响,让人静静流淌其中,也给饱受思念之苦的人们在黑暗中看见一丝丝最温柔的光芒。   因为只要还有爱,没有什麽能阻止我去见你。   Sometimes, what seems far away is actually very close.   Distance makes us grow and strengthens our hearts.   Canadian Dream Pop Singer-Songwriter Jaguar Sun X Fantastical Treasure Girl LÜCY   A powerful cross-border collaboration, a passionate love song recorded remotely—"Nothing ever stops me."   Jaguar Sun, hailing from southern Ontario, Canada, is known for his soft, murmuring voice and his skill in blending dream pop, rock, and folk within electronic arrangements. Initially, he turned to music as a way to escape the pressures of social life and a busy graphic design career, which unexpectedly led him to embark on a journey into Bedroom Pop.   This collaboration began when LÜCY accidentally came across Jaguar Sun’s song "I Feel It" on a digital platform. She expressed, "A song doesn’t necessarily have to be confined within a framework. This song reminded me of why I started making music, because its arrangement style is very similar to the music I most want to create." While it's commonly believed that the chorus's melody and lyrics are the highlights of a song, for LÜCY, Jaguar Sun uses pure arrangements to bring out the essence of the music, creating an enchanting atmosphere without lyrics, which deeply attracted her and led her to invite him to collaborate on a single.   Jaguar Sun also described LÜCY’s music as incredibly captivating, and collaborating with such a voice was a dream come true for him. Despite being in different locations and having to rely solely on messaging for communication, language never became a barrier. Music served as their shared language, and they even incorporated both of their native languages into the lyrics. This collaboration mirrors the song’s emotional theme—"long-distance love"—where distance and time pose challenges. Many might think they are chasing an unattainable dream, but when you hear a voice from thousands of miles away, it feels as though the person is right beside you.   "Nothing ever stops me" symbolizes the challenges of long-distance relationships. Being separated from a loved one requires immense effort to maintain the connection, but it also conveys the strength needed to keep a relationship going despite the pain of separation. The entire song, co-produced and arranged by LÜCY and Jaguar Sun, features spacious electric guitar tones and dreamy synth sounds that gently flow through, offering those suffering from longing a glimpse of the most tender light in the darkness.   Because as long as there is love, nothing can stop me from seeing you.
  有时,看似遥远却又很近   距离,使我们成长,让我们的心更加强壮   加拿大梦幻流行唱作人 Jaguar Sun X 奇幻宝藏女孩 LÜCY   重磅跨国合作、远端连线之炙热情歌〈Nothing ever stops me〉   来自加拿大南安大略的 Jaguar Sun,他有着柔和的低喃嗓音,并擅长于电子编曲中融合梦幻流行、摇滚和民谣等乐风。最初,他是为了想逃避社交压力与繁忙的平面设计工作才开始接触音乐创作,没想到就此展开一段 Bedroom Pop 的创作之旅。   而这次的合作源于 LÜCY 在数位平台上偶然听到 Jaguar Sun 的〈I Feel it〉,她表示:“一首歌并不一定要有框架的限制。这首歌让我回想起做音乐的初衷,因为编曲风格跟我最想做的音乐很相似。”儘管大家普遍认为副歌的旋律和歌词是整首歌曲的高潮,但对 LÜCY 而言,Jaguar Sun 却用纯粹的编曲来呈现音乐的亮点,虽无歌词竟能打造出迷离的氛围感,这点深深吸引了她,因此决定邀请他一起合作单曲。   Jaguar Sun 也形容 LÜCY 的音乐非常迷人,能与这样的声音合作是他的梦想。儘管他们远隔两地、只能靠著传讯息不停讨论,但语言却从未成为障碍,两人以音乐为共同沟通语彙,还在歌词中结合了双方的母语。这段合作如同歌曲的心境主题——“远距离恋爱”——纵使距离与时间成为挑战,多数人会以为是在追逐遥不可及的梦,但当你听到来自千里之外的声音,彷彿对方就在你身边。   〈Nothing ever stops me〉亦象徵了远距离关係中的挑战。与心爱的人分隔两地需要极大的努力来维繫感情,但它同时也表达了面对分离的痛苦时,让关係继续下去的力量。整首歌曲由 LÜCY 跟 Jaguar Sun 共同担任制作人与编曲,用充满空间感的电吉他音色及梦幻的合成器声响,让人静静流淌其中,也给饱受思念之苦的人们在黑暗中看见一丝丝最温柔的光芒。   因为只要还有爱,没有什麽能阻止我去见你。   Sometimes, what seems far away is actually very close.   Distance makes us grow and strengthens our hearts.   Canadian Dream Pop Singer-Songwriter Jaguar Sun X Fantastical Treasure Girl LÜCY   A powerful cross-border collaboration, a passionate love song recorded remotely—"Nothing ever stops me."   Jaguar Sun, hailing from southern Ontario, Canada, is known for his soft, murmuring voice and his skill in blending dream pop, rock, and folk within electronic arrangements. Initially, he turned to music as a way to escape the pressures of social life and a busy graphic design career, which unexpectedly led him to embark on a journey into Bedroom Pop.   This collaboration began when LÜCY accidentally came across Jaguar Sun’s song "I Feel It" on a digital platform. She expressed, "A song doesn’t necessarily have to be confined within a framework. This song reminded me of why I started making music, because its arrangement style is very similar to the music I most want to create." While it's commonly believed that the chorus's melody and lyrics are the highlights of a song, for LÜCY, Jaguar Sun uses pure arrangements to bring out the essence of the music, creating an enchanting atmosphere without lyrics, which deeply attracted her and led her to invite him to collaborate on a single.   Jaguar Sun also described LÜCY’s music as incredibly captivating, and collaborating with such a voice was a dream come true for him. Despite being in different locations and having to rely solely on messaging for communication, language never became a barrier. Music served as their shared language, and they even incorporated both of their native languages into the lyrics. This collaboration mirrors the song’s emotional theme—"long-distance love"—where distance and time pose challenges. Many might think they are chasing an unattainable dream, but when you hear a voice from thousands of miles away, it feels as though the person is right beside you.   "Nothing ever stops me" symbolizes the challenges of long-distance relationships. Being separated from a loved one requires immense effort to maintain the connection, but it also conveys the strength needed to keep a relationship going despite the pain of separation. The entire song, co-produced and arranged by LÜCY and Jaguar Sun, features spacious electric guitar tones and dreamy synth sounds that gently flow through, offering those suffering from longing a glimpse of the most tender light in the darkness.   Because as long as there is love, nothing can stop me from seeing you.