Nicanor Zabaleta(1907-1993),西班牙竖琴演奏家,在马德里音乐学院受教,毕业后赴巴黎,师从托尼埃尔深造,1925年在巴黎首次登台,自1930年起开始广泛的演奏活动。扎巴列塔是竖琴演奏中的"长老"和当然权威,他的演奏优雅高贵,技巧高超,对竖琴提高到独奏乐器的地位作出了突出贡献,对不同类型的作品都能表达出精美与华贵。他录制的唱片张张都好,几乎不用挑选,最精彩的是与伯姆与维也纳爱乐乐团合作的莫扎特长笛与竖琴协奏曲。       Nicanor Zabaleta was one of the foremost harpists of the twentieth century, as important to the advancement of the harp as Segovia was to the guitar. At the age of seven, Zabaleta's father, an amateur musician, bought him a harp from an antique shop. The young Nicanor soon began taking lessons from Vincenta Tormo de Calvo, who was on the Madrid Conservatory faculty, and with Luisa Menarguez. At 17, he began studies in Paris; among his teachers there were Marcel Tournier and Jacqueline Borot. He made his official concert debut in the French capital in 1926. After a brief stint in the military, he traveled to the United States, where he made his North American debut in 1934 and remained a resident for the next two decades. Two years later, he began concert tours of Cuba and Mexico, where he achieved enough critical acclaim to command substantial fees for his concert appearances. His association with Australian-born American composer/critic Peggy Glanville-Hicks, who was active in organizing concerts of contemporary music in the 1940s and 1950s, further advanced his career in the United States. At a 1950 concert in Puerto Rico, Zabaleta met his future wife Graziela, and they were married two years later. They relocated to Spain and Zabaleta thereafter began touring the major cities of Europe, including Paris, Amsterdam, London, Munich, Copenhagen, and Zurich. Joaquín Rodrigo arranged his Concierto de Aranjuez as the Concierto Serenata for him in 1952, and Argentinian composer Alberto Ginastera composed a concerto (1956-64) for him, which Zabaleta premiered with Eugene Ormandy and the Philadelphia Orchestra in 1965. Nearly 30 other composers from throughout Europe and the Americas wrote works for him, as well. But his repertory was often more traditional and included works by Bach, Handel, Mozart, Debussy, and Ravel. Along with giving numerous solo and orchestral concerts, Zabaleta made many recordings, mostly in the 1960s and the decades following. It is estimated that he sold as many as three million records. His later concerts included critical successes at the Theatre Champs Élysées in Paris on March 21, 1981, and in San Jose, CA, on March 12 and 13, where he played concertos by Mozart and Villa-Lobos. His final concert, on June 16, 1992, in Madrid, was given when he was already in seriously declining health.
  Nicanor Zabaleta(1907-1993),西班牙竖琴演奏家,在马德里音乐学院受教,毕业后赴巴黎,师从托尼埃尔深造,1925年在巴黎首次登台,自1930年起开始广泛的演奏活动。扎巴列塔是竖琴演奏中的"长老"和当然权威,他的演奏优雅高贵,技巧高超,对竖琴提高到独奏乐器的地位作出了突出贡献,对不同类型的作品都能表达出精美与华贵。他录制的唱片张张都好,几乎不用挑选,最精彩的是与伯姆与维也纳爱乐乐团合作的莫扎特长笛与竖琴协奏曲。       Nicanor Zabaleta was one of the foremost harpists of the twentieth century, as important to the advancement of the harp as Segovia was to the guitar. At the age of seven, Zabaleta's father, an amateur musician, bought him a harp from an antique shop. The young Nicanor soon began taking lessons from Vincenta Tormo de Calvo, who was on the Madrid Conservatory faculty, and with Luisa Menarguez. At 17, he began studies in Paris; among his teachers there were Marcel Tournier and Jacqueline Borot. He made his official concert debut in the French capital in 1926. After a brief stint in the military, he traveled to the United States, where he made his North American debut in 1934 and remained a resident for the next two decades. Two years later, he began concert tours of Cuba and Mexico, where he achieved enough critical acclaim to command substantial fees for his concert appearances. His association with Australian-born American composer/critic Peggy Glanville-Hicks, who was active in organizing concerts of contemporary music in the 1940s and 1950s, further advanced his career in the United States. At a 1950 concert in Puerto Rico, Zabaleta met his future wife Graziela, and they were married two years later. They relocated to Spain and Zabaleta thereafter began touring the major cities of Europe, including Paris, Amsterdam, London, Munich, Copenhagen, and Zurich. Joaquín Rodrigo arranged his Concierto de Aranjuez as the Concierto Serenata for him in 1952, and Argentinian composer Alberto Ginastera composed a concerto (1956-64) for him, which Zabaleta premiered with Eugene Ormandy and the Philadelphia Orchestra in 1965. Nearly 30 other composers from throughout Europe and the Americas wrote works for him, as well. But his repertory was often more traditional and included works by Bach, Handel, Mozart, Debussy, and Ravel. Along with giving numerous solo and orchestral concerts, Zabaleta made many recordings, mostly in the 1960s and the decades following. It is estimated that he sold as many as three million records. His later concerts included critical successes at the Theatre Champs Élysées in Paris on March 21, 1981, and in San Jose, CA, on March 12 and 13, where he played concertos by Mozart and Villa-Lobos. His final concert, on June 16, 1992, in Madrid, was given when he was already in seriously declining health.
Nicanor Zabaleta
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