从师奶到少女,迷倒男人与女人!全欧洲连续当选杂誌「最迷人笑容」、「最MAN的六块肌」与「最无法抵抗的完美身材」票选冠军,以西班牙最红连续剧「再向前一步UPA」里的"罗贝尔"(Rober)一角让全欧疯狂,今年27岁的马吉尔(Miguel Angel Munoz)已经创造出如日中天的名气,甚至西班牙国王卡洛斯一世也亲自邀请他演出。他的同名专辑M.A.M不但风靡了全欧洲,他在意大利、法国、比利时、摩洛哥等国举办的演唱会,也都极为轰动。马吉尔成功地透过自己的音乐,成为全欧洲人心中新一代的拉丁「天使情人」。      出生在西班牙的首都马德里,从小就立志要当演员,陆陆续续参与许多膾炙人口的电视连续剧和影集,包括「离开教室」(Al Salir de Clase)、「同伴」(Companeros)、「中央医院」(Hospital Central)等剧演出,就此展开了辉煌的演艺之路。但让他大为走红的转捩点是2002年的热门影集「再向前一步」(Un Paso Adelante)。此剧在播出后大受欢迎后,他与片中其他几名主要演员-包括国际巨星潘妮洛普克鲁兹的妹妹莫妮卡克鲁兹(Monica Cruz)组成了「前进舞团」(Upa Dance)。该团一共发行了四张畅销唱片,首张专辑销售量便突破六十万张,其中2003年问世的同名专辑Upa Dance,在2006年於法国重新推出时,短短两个月内销售量便突破十五万张,成为法国的金唱片。      马吉尔离开「UPA」单飞之后,推出的第一张单曲《妳会说我疯了》(Diras Que Estoy Loco),就在西班牙排行榜上连续十一週称霸冠军,卖出超过十八万张。这支单曲后来也在法国排行榜得到第三名、卖出二十万张,在义大利排行榜获得亚军,在瑞典和比利时排行榜都晋身至前二十强。因为这支单曲,马吉尔从此奠定他在欧洲流行乐坛的地位。接著在2006年,马吉尔推出第一张《同名专辑 M.A.M》,同样大受欢迎,并且成为金唱片。      年仅27岁的马吉尔拥有帅气外貌,除身高183公分,还有一双深邃的棕色眼眸。但他的个性谦和、敏感,而且一丝不苟。他对音乐及演艺事业透露出早熟的洞见,他也是出了名的工作狂,他曾经半开玩笑地说:「虽然长时间的拼命工作,害我走到哪里都想打瞌睡,但我还是很高兴自己毕竟努力过了。」      by Evan C. Gutierrez   Miguel Ángel Muñoz was born in Madrid on July 4, 1983. Discovering a passion and talent for performance early on, Muñoz set his sights on a life on-stage. He made his cinematic debut at the age of nine in the film El Palomo Cojo, directed by Jaime Arminan. The film garnered attention and acclaim for Muñoz, becoming the first of many high-visibility roles. Muñoz's television credits include popular series like Mama Quiero Ser Artista and Al Salir de Clase. Feature motion pictures were soon to follow, including Gente Pez and Simbad: La Leyenda de los Siete Mares. Traditional theater laid the groundwork for Muñoz's musical pursuits. He played the narrator for the opera Bastian y Bastiana at Madrid's Teatro Real. It was his role in the television series Un Paso Adelante (UPA) that set him on the path to record industry success. Following his work with the show, he was a member of the group UPA Dance starting in 2002. Muñoz recorded four original projects with the group, earning six platinum records in the process. Muñoz released a series of singles leading up to his solo debut CD, Miguel Angel Muñoz, which was released in 2006. Promoting a follow-up project only a year later, Muñoz performed his song "Diras Que Estoy Loco" before audiences at the renowned Sanremo song festival in Italy.
  从师奶到少女,迷倒男人与女人!全欧洲连续当选杂誌「最迷人笑容」、「最MAN的六块肌」与「最无法抵抗的完美身材」票选冠军,以西班牙最红连续剧「再向前一步UPA」里的"罗贝尔"(Rober)一角让全欧疯狂,今年27岁的马吉尔(Miguel Angel Munoz)已经创造出如日中天的名气,甚至西班牙国王卡洛斯一世也亲自邀请他演出。他的同名专辑M.A.M不但风靡了全欧洲,他在意大利、法国、比利时、摩洛哥等国举办的演唱会,也都极为轰动。马吉尔成功地透过自己的音乐,成为全欧洲人心中新一代的拉丁「天使情人」。      出生在西班牙的首都马德里,从小就立志要当演员,陆陆续续参与许多膾炙人口的电视连续剧和影集,包括「离开教室」(Al Salir de Clase)、「同伴」(Companeros)、「中央医院」(Hospital Central)等剧演出,就此展开了辉煌的演艺之路。但让他大为走红的转捩点是2002年的热门影集「再向前一步」(Un Paso Adelante)。此剧在播出后大受欢迎后,他与片中其他几名主要演员-包括国际巨星潘妮洛普克鲁兹的妹妹莫妮卡克鲁兹(Monica Cruz)组成了「前进舞团」(Upa Dance)。该团一共发行了四张畅销唱片,首张专辑销售量便突破六十万张,其中2003年问世的同名专辑Upa Dance,在2006年於法国重新推出时,短短两个月内销售量便突破十五万张,成为法国的金唱片。      马吉尔离开「UPA」单飞之后,推出的第一张单曲《妳会说我疯了》(Diras Que Estoy Loco),就在西班牙排行榜上连续十一週称霸冠军,卖出超过十八万张。这支单曲后来也在法国排行榜得到第三名、卖出二十万张,在义大利排行榜获得亚军,在瑞典和比利时排行榜都晋身至前二十强。因为这支单曲,马吉尔从此奠定他在欧洲流行乐坛的地位。接著在2006年,马吉尔推出第一张《同名专辑 M.A.M》,同样大受欢迎,并且成为金唱片。      年仅27岁的马吉尔拥有帅气外貌,除身高183公分,还有一双深邃的棕色眼眸。但他的个性谦和、敏感,而且一丝不苟。他对音乐及演艺事业透露出早熟的洞见,他也是出了名的工作狂,他曾经半开玩笑地说:「虽然长时间的拼命工作,害我走到哪里都想打瞌睡,但我还是很高兴自己毕竟努力过了。」      by Evan C. Gutierrez   Miguel Ángel Muñoz was born in Madrid on July 4, 1983. Discovering a passion and talent for performance early on, Muñoz set his sights on a life on-stage. He made his cinematic debut at the age of nine in the film El Palomo Cojo, directed by Jaime Arminan. The film garnered attention and acclaim for Muñoz, becoming the first of many high-visibility roles. Muñoz's television credits include popular series like Mama Quiero Ser Artista and Al Salir de Clase. Feature motion pictures were soon to follow, including Gente Pez and Simbad: La Leyenda de los Siete Mares. Traditional theater laid the groundwork for Muñoz's musical pursuits. He played the narrator for the opera Bastian y Bastiana at Madrid's Teatro Real. It was his role in the television series Un Paso Adelante (UPA) that set him on the path to record industry success. Following his work with the show, he was a member of the group UPA Dance starting in 2002. Muñoz recorded four original projects with the group, earning six platinum records in the process. Muñoz released a series of singles leading up to his solo debut CD, Miguel Angel Muñoz, which was released in 2006. Promoting a follow-up project only a year later, Muñoz performed his song "Diras Que Estoy Loco" before audiences at the renowned Sanremo song festival in Italy.
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Miguel Angel Munoz