HERCULES AND LOVE AFFAIR是纽约龙头电音大厂DFA旗下,2008年最强势的全新梦幻组合。当中最为人所熟知的一名成员,莫过于英国水星音乐奖(Mercury Music Prize)加冕乐队Antony and the Johnsons的主唱Antony Hegarty,他阴鬱哀沉的独特歌声在另类乐坛引发巨大迴响,Joan As Police Woman、CocoRosie、Marc Almond、Rufus Wainwright与冰岛音乐精灵Bjork都先后邀请他献声高歌。Antony虽然在英国出生,但在6岁左右,就随着父母迁往荷兰阿姆斯特丹,1981年转而搬到美国加州,1990年Antony到曼哈顿发展,并与当地音乐人建立起深厚的良好关係。HERCULES AND LOVE AFFAIR的创作核心是Andy (Andrew) Butler,他出生于美国科罗拉多州的丹佛(Denver),小时候他就懂得利用家中钢琴编曲创作,12岁时领略到电子音乐的美好,15岁时便在同志酒吧里当起DJ放歌。深具才华的他,在18岁时毅然决然离开丹佛,到曼哈顿的私立大学主修音乐与艺术史,晚上则在纽约的舞厅放歌磨练。2002年Andy在当地结识了同时具有DJ、歌手、珠宝设计师等多重身份的Kim Ann Foxman,一拍即合的两人一直到今天都保有密切的合作关係。阵中另一位成员,则是在纽约士生士长的歌手Nomi,她过去曾与Deborah Harry (Blondie)与CocoRosie等着名歌手有过合作关係,嗓音雌雄难辨的她负责为本张专辑中的两首歌曲献唱,House舞曲〈You Belong〉,展现她嗓音中浓厚的蓝调色彩,〈Hercules Theme〉带人重返80年代的Disco舞池,后半部再追上一段即兴爵士演奏锦上添花。
Hercules & Love Affair is a dance music project created by American DJ Andy Butler in 2004. Consisting of a rotating cast of performers and musicians, the band work within the genres of house music, disco, techno and nu-disco.
Originally based in New York City, now based in Ghent, Belgium, Hercules and Love Affair were founded following Butler's collaboration with Anohni to produce the song "Blind", which was a hit single. Initially signing to DFA Records, for their eponymous 2008 debut album, the band went on to record two more albums for Moshi Moshi, Blue Songs (2011) and The Feast of the Broken Heart (2014). Their fourth album Omnion was released in September 2017 by Atlantic Records.
HERCULES AND LOVE AFFAIR是纽约龙头电音大厂DFA旗下,2008年最强势的全新梦幻组合。当中最为人所熟知的一名成员,莫过于英国水星音乐奖(Mercury Music Prize)加冕乐队Antony and the Johnsons的主唱Antony Hegarty,他阴鬱哀沉的独特歌声在另类乐坛引发巨大迴响,Joan As Police Woman、CocoRosie、Marc Almond、Rufus Wainwright与冰岛音乐精灵Bjork都先后邀请他献声高歌。Antony虽然在英国出生,但在6岁左右,就随着父母迁往荷兰阿姆斯特丹,1981年转而搬到美国加州,1990年Antony到曼哈顿发展,并与当地音乐人建立起深厚的良好关係。HERCULES AND LOVE AFFAIR的创作核心是Andy (Andrew) Butler,他出生于美国科罗拉多州的丹佛(Denver),小时候他就懂得利用家中钢琴编曲创作,12岁时领略到电子音乐的美好,15岁时便在同志酒吧里当起DJ放歌。深具才华的他,在18岁时毅然决然离开丹佛,到曼哈顿的私立大学主修音乐与艺术史,晚上则在纽约的舞厅放歌磨练。2002年Andy在当地结识了同时具有DJ、歌手、珠宝设计师等多重身份的Kim Ann Foxman,一拍即合的两人一直到今天都保有密切的合作关係。阵中另一位成员,则是在纽约士生士长的歌手Nomi,她过去曾与Deborah Harry (Blondie)与CocoRosie等着名歌手有过合作关係,嗓音雌雄难辨的她负责为本张专辑中的两首歌曲献唱,House舞曲〈You Belong〉,展现她嗓音中浓厚的蓝调色彩,〈Hercules Theme〉带人重返80年代的Disco舞池,后半部再追上一段即兴爵士演奏锦上添花。
Hercules & Love Affair is a dance music project created by American DJ Andy Butler in 2004. Consisting of a rotating cast of performers and musicians, the band work within the genres of house music, disco, techno and nu-disco.
Originally based in New York City, now based in Ghent, Belgium, Hercules and Love Affair were founded following Butler's collaboration with Anohni to produce the song "Blind", which was a hit single. Initially signing to DFA Records, for their eponymous 2008 debut album, the band went on to record two more albums for Moshi Moshi, Blue Songs (2011) and The Feast of the Broken Heart (2014). Their fourth album Omnion was released in September 2017 by Atlantic Records.