Kazusou Oda (小田 和奏 Oda Kazusō), better known as Coda, is a Japanese singer-songwriter, composer and sound producer. Born and raised in Hiroshima, Japan, Coda was originally the vocalist of a Japanese rock band No Regret Life before going under a pseudonym to perform "BLOODY STREAM", the second opening for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Animation.
Kazusou Oda (小田 和奏 Oda Kazusō), better known as Coda, is a Japanese singer-songwriter, composer and sound producer. Born and raised in Hiroshima, Japan, Coda was originally the vocalist of a Japanese rock band No Regret Life before going under a pseudonym to perform "BLOODY STREAM", the second opening for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Animation.