Gridlock is a San Francisco based experimental electronic band originally created by Mike Wells in 1994. A year later, Mike Cadoo joined up, and the duo released their first two demos, Sickness and Frozen, and soon signed to Pendragon Records in 1997.      Their style was originally akin to the sound of Skinny Puppy with less vocals and an ambient aspect not normally found in industrial. Eventually, they took on more and more ambient and electronic sounds and slowly removed their industrial edge and any trace of vocals. Today, they could better be compared to Autechre due to their newer IDM sound and to Panacea for their Drum & Bass experimentation.      On March 24, 2005, the band announced its dissolution on its website, but promised to continue making music under Wells' and Cadoo's respective side projects. Their last recorded material to be released was two tracks on the 2006 Hymen Records compilation Travel Sickness.
  Gridlock is a San Francisco based experimental electronic band originally created by Mike Wells in 1994. A year later, Mike Cadoo joined up, and the duo released their first two demos, Sickness and Frozen, and soon signed to Pendragon Records in 1997.      Their style was originally akin to the sound of Skinny Puppy with less vocals and an ambient aspect not normally found in industrial. Eventually, they took on more and more ambient and electronic sounds and slowly removed their industrial edge and any trace of vocals. Today, they could better be compared to Autechre due to their newer IDM sound and to Panacea for their Drum & Bass experimentation.      On March 24, 2005, the band announced its dissolution on its website, but promised to continue making music under Wells' and Cadoo's respective side projects. Their last recorded material to be released was two tracks on the 2006 Hymen Records compilation Travel Sickness.
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Grid Lock
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