It shouldn’t be long before Hannah Diamond is a name you’re familiar with. The singer is part of PC Music, a British record label operating almost entirely in a clearly defined aesthetic that fans of “Bipp” will enjoy. It’s modern electronic/pop music alive with bright synths and manipulated vocals. Hannah leans more toward the pop side of things, but there’s a playful, almost childlike quality to her music that sounds like nothing else out there. It’s like if forward-thinking UK electronic music meets J-pop, and it sounds like the future.
  It shouldn’t be long before Hannah Diamond is a name you’re familiar with. The singer is part of PC Music, a British record label operating almost entirely in a clearly defined aesthetic that fans of “Bipp” will enjoy. It’s modern electronic/pop music alive with bright synths and manipulated vocals. Hannah leans more toward the pop side of things, but there’s a playful, almost childlike quality to her music that sounds like nothing else out there. It’s like if forward-thinking UK electronic music meets J-pop, and it sounds like the future.
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Hannah Diamond
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