Hailing from the heart of Eastern Europe, Anii has made a long journey from Poland to London to showcase her musical passion with the world. In the pursuit of musical prowess, Anii travelled to London and spent 6 years learning English, as well as mastering her skills in music production at the well renowned electronic music school, Point Blank.
Now, having found her heart and soul in the ever evolving music scene, Anii demonstrates her passion of music through deep, dark, and techno and house.
Hailing from the heart of Eastern Europe, Anii has made a long journey from Poland to London to showcase her musical passion with the world. In the pursuit of musical prowess, Anii travelled to London and spent 6 years learning English, as well as mastering her skills in music production at the well renowned electronic music school, Point Blank.
Now, having found her heart and soul in the ever evolving music scene, Anii demonstrates her passion of music through deep, dark, and techno and house.