When angels fell from heaven, many came to Earth to establish the ancient civilizations we now know. One such angel was named Kukulkan - the feathered Serpent, who settled in the Yucatan Peninsula and began his Mayan Empire. The knowledge of creating electricity with the earths magnetic field, as well as predicting the future using star formations, levitating rocks and cutting them with energy, and throwing giant dance raves made with ancient rhythmic electronic music, created with synthesizers from another world, was all part of Kukulkan's secret knowledge from heaven. However, after sharing the fruit of knowledge with the Mayans, the Serpent God Kukulkan had a plan to enslave and use the Mayan population to his advantage.   His thirst for the sacrifice of virgins and the spilling of innocent human life increased exponentially, and this angered God greatly so he sent a great flood and disease to punish Kukulkan and his servants, and scatter his empire. He banished Kukulkan to a prison in an alternate dimension called "Hades", which connects to the Planet Earth through a time-space wormhole, located near Mesopotamia. The fruit of knowledge was passed as an oral tradition with the remaining human survivors of the Mayan Empire, who passed their knowledge from generation to generation. Ben Murk's grandfather was one of these such survivors trusted his father with this ancient knowledge. Ben Murk's ancient ancestors left Kukulkan’s Empire, and later built a similar empire in what is now, Mexico City, and they called themselves Aztecs, and prophesied the return of their long lost leader, king and 'god,' who they thought would one day return from the sea where he was taken. But Kukulkan never returned, and the Aztecs were met by a different white man who called themselves 'Consquistadores' whom they confused their leader Cortez with Kukulkan, since nobody remained alive who had actually seen Kukulkan, leaving the ancient knowledge to be passed to only a select few who survived the massacre and colonization by the Conquistadores. Armed with this knowledge given by his father, Ben Murk traveled many places in the continent searching for ways to piece this oral knowledge together, collecting records that contained frequencies that could unlock secret passages in time, an effort that took much time and dedication... It is in Miami where he entered the ancient Temple of Minerva, now known as a Treehouse, exactly in the year of 2012, as the Mayan calendar predicted. Ben Murk's consciousness was opened at Treehouse, and he had an epiphany to the full power of techno and minimal music, and left behind all the electronic music genres he had encountered throughout his travels as a thing of the past. Now, Ben Murk uses all that he has learned combined with 21st century technology to create sacred air patterns and arrange them into techno music, which can have a powerful influence on his audience - induce hypnosis, and take them on a musical journey unlike any other, almost like traveling through the stars.   In the year 2013, Ben Murk will release an EP on Beatport and Digital stores through 'Making You Dance Records' as his first ever EP.
  When angels fell from heaven, many came to Earth to establish the ancient civilizations we now know. One such angel was named Kukulkan - the feathered Serpent, who settled in the Yucatan Peninsula and began his Mayan Empire. The knowledge of creating electricity with the earths magnetic field, as well as predicting the future using star formations, levitating rocks and cutting them with energy, and throwing giant dance raves made with ancient rhythmic electronic music, created with synthesizers from another world, was all part of Kukulkan's secret knowledge from heaven. However, after sharing the fruit of knowledge with the Mayans, the Serpent God Kukulkan had a plan to enslave and use the Mayan population to his advantage.   His thirst for the sacrifice of virgins and the spilling of innocent human life increased exponentially, and this angered God greatly so he sent a great flood and disease to punish Kukulkan and his servants, and scatter his empire. He banished Kukulkan to a prison in an alternate dimension called "Hades", which connects to the Planet Earth through a time-space wormhole, located near Mesopotamia. The fruit of knowledge was passed as an oral tradition with the remaining human survivors of the Mayan Empire, who passed their knowledge from generation to generation. Ben Murk's grandfather was one of these such survivors trusted his father with this ancient knowledge. Ben Murk's ancient ancestors left Kukulkan’s Empire, and later built a similar empire in what is now, Mexico City, and they called themselves Aztecs, and prophesied the return of their long lost leader, king and 'god,' who they thought would one day return from the sea where he was taken. But Kukulkan never returned, and the Aztecs were met by a different white man who called themselves 'Consquistadores' whom they confused their leader Cortez with Kukulkan, since nobody remained alive who had actually seen Kukulkan, leaving the ancient knowledge to be passed to only a select few who survived the massacre and colonization by the Conquistadores. Armed with this knowledge given by his father, Ben Murk traveled many places in the continent searching for ways to piece this oral knowledge together, collecting records that contained frequencies that could unlock secret passages in time, an effort that took much time and dedication... It is in Miami where he entered the ancient Temple of Minerva, now known as a Treehouse, exactly in the year of 2012, as the Mayan calendar predicted. Ben Murk's consciousness was opened at Treehouse, and he had an epiphany to the full power of techno and minimal music, and left behind all the electronic music genres he had encountered throughout his travels as a thing of the past. Now, Ben Murk uses all that he has learned combined with 21st century technology to create sacred air patterns and arrange them into techno music, which can have a powerful influence on his audience - induce hypnosis, and take them on a musical journey unlike any other, almost like traveling through the stars.   In the year 2013, Ben Murk will release an EP on Beatport and Digital stores through 'Making You Dance Records' as his first ever EP.
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Ben Murk
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