Meredith Godreau,生长于纽约的布鲁克林的吉他演奏家,原音民谣的演绎者,Gregory And The Hawk是她成立于04年的个人solo band,当然其中有她众多朋友的倾情协作。完全的吉他原音,完全的浅唱低吟,Meredith的声音,稚嫩,柔软,充满弹性的童音气质。没有唱片厂牌,没有众多的协作乐手,没有极尽华丽的奢词繁调,Meredith这个短发的小女子有任性和天真的孩童气,在音乐品味的挑选上低调得有些固执,寂寞得有些清高。当真挚的情感力量在音符间恣意流转时,神经被她轻易地一击而中,璞玉的流光一霎那照彻人心。温暖而明亮,瞬间让人泪流满面。
这张06年的EP,让05年发行的同名处女作看起来更像一张demo。重新演绎的《Boars & Birds》《In Fact》《Isabelle》都比以往的版本丰满而圆润,褪去了处女专辑中的青涩,这充分说明了Gregory And The Hawk不断充实精彩的音乐
Gregory and the Hawk is the solo project of Meredith Godreau and many of her musician friends (most prominently Mike). She writes and performs mellow acoustic ballads. Her music remains label-free thanks to the flexibility of the internet and the support of her fanbase.
Gregory and the Hawk (demo quality) - c. 2002; re-released 2005
8-track demos - 2005
Boats & Birds EP - 2006
In Your Dreams - 2007
Live at Olives - 4/4/04
Meredith Godreau,生长于纽约的布鲁克林的吉他演奏家,原音民谣的演绎者,Gregory And The Hawk是她成立于04年的个人solo band,当然其中有她众多朋友的倾情协作。完全的吉他原音,完全的浅唱低吟,Meredith的声音,稚嫩,柔软,充满弹性的童音气质。没有唱片厂牌,没有众多的协作乐手,没有极尽华丽的奢词繁调,Meredith这个短发的小女子有任性和天真的孩童气,在音乐品味的挑选上低调得有些固执,寂寞得有些清高。当真挚的情感力量在音符间恣意流转时,神经被她轻易地一击而中,璞玉的流光一霎那照彻人心。温暖而明亮,瞬间让人泪流满面。
这张06年的EP,让05年发行的同名处女作看起来更像一张demo。重新演绎的《Boars & Birds》《In Fact》《Isabelle》都比以往的版本丰满而圆润,褪去了处女专辑中的青涩,这充分说明了Gregory And The Hawk不断充实精彩的音乐
Gregory and the Hawk is the solo project of Meredith Godreau and many of her musician friends (most prominently Mike). She writes and performs mellow acoustic ballads. Her music remains label-free thanks to the flexibility of the internet and the support of her fanbase.
Gregory and the Hawk (demo quality) - c. 2002; re-released 2005
8-track demos - 2005
Boats & Birds EP - 2006
In Your Dreams - 2007
Live at Olives - 4/4/04