最开始由两名台湾体育院院的学生在学校的热音社里相识而组团。   取团名之时因体育学院校风较为保守,玩音乐、玩乐团在同侪师长的眼中似乎是很特别的一群人。经过一番讨论後,我们自诩要努力做音乐或是自嘲在这样的环境显得异类,因为这样的原因,我们就将团名取作「偏执狂」。   组团12年的时间面临很多问题,包含家人、工作、爱情等等,我们把这些事情都当做我们的创作养分,并且在创作中尝试用主唱阿德的族语(阿美族语),希望在创作上有新的火花。我们从学生时代开始组团到出社会,虽然有在一些比赛中获得奖项但是回到现实生活与面对经济压力等,我们相信这个世界除了努力的拼经济以外也需要一种对梦想的偏执与坚持   It started from two mambers of the Pop music club who studied in「National Taiwan University of Sport」. In a school with the simple and conservative spirit, people who play Pop music or have a band seemed kind of weird from teachers or peers. Therefore, we chose "Monomania" as the name to show the environment of playing music at that time and to show our attitude about making music.   We met a number of problems in the 12 years of our music life, which includes family, jobs, and of course, romantic relationship. These all inspire us. We also try to put   Amis (the mother tongue of Garo, the singer) into songs and hope to make something different. We've got some awards indeed, and we have to face the pressure from surviving indeed, but we still believe that the world we live also need some people who insist on dreams like a--- monomania.
  最开始由两名台湾体育院院的学生在学校的热音社里相识而组团。   取团名之时因体育学院校风较为保守,玩音乐、玩乐团在同侪师长的眼中似乎是很特别的一群人。经过一番讨论後,我们自诩要努力做音乐或是自嘲在这样的环境显得异类,因为这样的原因,我们就将团名取作「偏执狂」。   组团12年的时间面临很多问题,包含家人、工作、爱情等等,我们把这些事情都当做我们的创作养分,并且在创作中尝试用主唱阿德的族语(阿美族语),希望在创作上有新的火花。我们从学生时代开始组团到出社会,虽然有在一些比赛中获得奖项但是回到现实生活与面对经济压力等,我们相信这个世界除了努力的拼经济以外也需要一种对梦想的偏执与坚持   It started from two mambers of the Pop music club who studied in「National Taiwan University of Sport」. In a school with the simple and conservative spirit, people who play Pop music or have a band seemed kind of weird from teachers or peers. Therefore, we chose "Monomania" as the name to show the environment of playing music at that time and to show our attitude about making music.   We met a number of problems in the 12 years of our music life, which includes family, jobs, and of course, romantic relationship. These all inspire us. We also try to put   Amis (the mother tongue of Garo, the singer) into songs and hope to make something different. We've got some awards indeed, and we have to face the pressure from surviving indeed, but we still believe that the world we live also need some people who insist on dreams like a--- monomania.
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