荷尔蒙少年是一种状态,自溺而温柔、叛逆却善良。   为了拼凑出属于九零末的新声音,在庞克、日摇和disco funk元素之间不停转换尝试,泛滥的少年抑郁、却少不了俏皮叛逆的模样。也许外在就如同团名般稚气潇洒,可现场演出的张力,带来的绝对是不亚于专辑里的震撼。   We are HormoneBoys from Taiwan.   In order to assemble the new voice to represent the late 90s, we kept trying to switch different elements from punk to Japanese style rock n roll and even to disco funk.   Depressions of the teenagers were drowning but they never lack the face of a witty rebel.   Appearing innocent as their title of the band, elegant but unconventional, the shock and power they have for the audience in live shows will definitely astound you far more than the album itself does.   (Writing / Yuki Lin)
  荷尔蒙少年是一种状态,自溺而温柔、叛逆却善良。   为了拼凑出属于九零末的新声音,在庞克、日摇和disco funk元素之间不停转换尝试,泛滥的少年抑郁、却少不了俏皮叛逆的模样。也许外在就如同团名般稚气潇洒,可现场演出的张力,带来的绝对是不亚于专辑里的震撼。   We are HormoneBoys from Taiwan.   In order to assemble the new voice to represent the late 90s, we kept trying to switch different elements from punk to Japanese style rock n roll and even to disco funk.   Depressions of the teenagers were drowning but they never lack the face of a witty rebel.   Appearing innocent as their title of the band, elegant but unconventional, the shock and power they have for the audience in live shows will definitely astound you far more than the album itself does.   (Writing / Yuki Lin)
荷尔蒙少年 Hormone Boys
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