WONK是一支来自日本东京的experimental soul band 实验派灵魂乐队。2016年9月首张专辑大碟『Sphere』获得了第九届CD商店大奖之爵士音乐奖。他们的音乐中可以感受出爵士、Soul和嘻哈等多种音乐的丰富元素。   WONK的跨越不同音乐种类和界限使之受到很多方面的关注。出道之后的第二年2017年就参加了第16届东京爵士节和日本SUMMER SONIC 2017。更是在在2018年参加了日本音乐盛典FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL 2018。不只在日本, WONK陆续登陆世界的舞台,巴黎、柏林、新加坡、台湾都形成的当地粉丝团,举办了非常成功的音乐艺术演出。   不仅如此美国Blue Note厂牌的代表领军歌手José James的专辑《Love in a Time of Madness》的主打曲《Live Your Fantasy》,WONK也受邀负责了新一版的Remix。2018年翻唱了来自洛杉矶Soul/R&B乐队The Internet的《La Di Da》而受到很大的关注,此歌曲收录在专辑《Hive Mind》中。   【WONK演出经历】   ・Dr. Martens 活动 - STAND FOR SOMETHING LIVE STYLE OF TOKYO VOL.3   ・GREEN ROOM音乐节18   ・KNOWER乐队日本巡演2018-专辑《LIFE》发行纪念,WONK作为特别嘉宾来参加   ・TAICOCLUB '18   ・CORONA SUNSET 音乐节 2018   ・富士摇滚音乐节2018   ・TOKYO JAZZ X音乐节   ・TOKYO FINEST VOL.1 ~LIVE IN 台湾   ・GAIA - Amazon Fashion "AT TOKYO" BED J.W.FORD CRISTIAN DADA AFTER PARTY   ・WONK's Playhouse (One Man Show with 堀込泰行、唾奇、MONJOE、MALIYA、iri、土岐麻子、Sweet William、Jinmenusagi)   ・CONVERSE TOKYO THE DAY演出等   【关于EPISTROPH厂牌】   EPISTROPH是集聚活跃在各个领域的艺术家大集体。成员包括音乐家,音响工程师,设计师,摄影师,摄像师,服装设计师和动画师。团队年龄均在30岁以下,大家相互激励,并在各种活动中相互合作,包括音乐品牌WONK和MELRAW,艺术家服装设计和空间设计等。   WONK (Experimental Soul Band from Tokyo, Japan) Their September 2016 album “Sphere” received the Best Jazz Album award at the CD Shop Awards, an award based on votes by CD retailer employees. WONK’s fusion of Jazz, Soul, Hip-hop, and other musical influences has attracted attention from various audiences, and has secured the young band planned performances this summer at festivals including the 16th Tokyo Jazz Festival, Blue Note Jazz Festival 2017, and Summer Sonic 2017. The band also produced the official remix for Blue Notes Records star José James’ “Love in a Time of Madness” in his album “Live Your Fantasy,” in addition to conducting successful performances in Berlin and Paris in February 2017, reaching eager audiences in Japan and abroad. Their second & third album “Castor” / “Pollux” were released in September.
  WONK是一支来自日本东京的experimental soul band 实验派灵魂乐队。2016年9月首张专辑大碟『Sphere』获得了第九届CD商店大奖之爵士音乐奖。他们的音乐中可以感受出爵士、Soul和嘻哈等多种音乐的丰富元素。   WONK的跨越不同音乐种类和界限使之受到很多方面的关注。出道之后的第二年2017年就参加了第16届东京爵士节和日本SUMMER SONIC 2017。更是在在2018年参加了日本音乐盛典FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL 2018。不只在日本, WONK陆续登陆世界的舞台,巴黎、柏林、新加坡、台湾都形成的当地粉丝团,举办了非常成功的音乐艺术演出。   不仅如此美国Blue Note厂牌的代表领军歌手José James的专辑《Love in a Time of Madness》的主打曲《Live Your Fantasy》,WONK也受邀负责了新一版的Remix。2018年翻唱了来自洛杉矶Soul/R&B乐队The Internet的《La Di Da》而受到很大的关注,此歌曲收录在专辑《Hive Mind》中。   【WONK演出经历】   ・Dr. Martens 活动 - STAND FOR SOMETHING LIVE STYLE OF TOKYO VOL.3   ・GREEN ROOM音乐节18   ・KNOWER乐队日本巡演2018-专辑《LIFE》发行纪念,WONK作为特别嘉宾来参加   ・TAICOCLUB '18   ・CORONA SUNSET 音乐节 2018   ・富士摇滚音乐节2018   ・TOKYO JAZZ X音乐节   ・TOKYO FINEST VOL.1 ~LIVE IN 台湾   ・GAIA - Amazon Fashion "AT TOKYO" BED J.W.FORD CRISTIAN DADA AFTER PARTY   ・WONK's Playhouse (One Man Show with 堀込泰行、唾奇、MONJOE、MALIYA、iri、土岐麻子、Sweet William、Jinmenusagi)   ・CONVERSE TOKYO THE DAY演出等   【关于EPISTROPH厂牌】   EPISTROPH是集聚活跃在各个领域的艺术家大集体。成员包括音乐家,音响工程师,设计师,摄影师,摄像师,服装设计师和动画师。团队年龄均在30岁以下,大家相互激励,并在各种活动中相互合作,包括音乐品牌WONK和MELRAW,艺术家服装设计和空间设计等。   WONK (Experimental Soul Band from Tokyo, Japan) Their September 2016 album “Sphere” received the Best Jazz Album award at the CD Shop Awards, an award based on votes by CD retailer employees. WONK’s fusion of Jazz, Soul, Hip-hop, and other musical influences has attracted attention from various audiences, and has secured the young band planned performances this summer at festivals including the 16th Tokyo Jazz Festival, Blue Note Jazz Festival 2017, and Summer Sonic 2017. The band also produced the official remix for Blue Notes Records star José James’ “Love in a Time of Madness” in his album “Live Your Fantasy,” in addition to conducting successful performances in Berlin and Paris in February 2017, reaching eager audiences in Japan and abroad. Their second & third album “Castor” / “Pollux” were released in September.
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