Avsolutized...      Country of origin:   Japan   Location:   N/A   Status:   Active   Formed in:   1996      Genre:   Black Metal   Lyrical themes:   N/A   Current label:   Those Opposed Records      Years active:   1996-present      Avsolutized... is part of AAAA collective (Arkha Sva, Ahpdegma).      MiZANE Guitars, Bass   Ur Èmdr Oervn Vocals   See also: Ahpdegma, Arkha Sva
  Avsolutized...      Country of origin:   Japan   Location:   N/A   Status:   Active   Formed in:   1996      Genre:   Black Metal   Lyrical themes:   N/A   Current label:   Those Opposed Records      Years active:   1996-present      Avsolutized... is part of AAAA collective (Arkha Sva, Ahpdegma).      MiZANE Guitars, Bass   Ur Èmdr Oervn Vocals   See also: Ahpdegma, Arkha Sva
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