Taka Minamino来自METAL重镇大阪,84年生人,话说每位新古典大师背后都有段古典的童年~此人亦不例外,4岁开始小提琴熏陶,直到14岁告一段落~因为吉他之旅就此开启,机缘巧合,一个超高的起点便是师承Kelly Simonz.    2005年他把作品小样寄往了每个吉他手都向往的圣殿Shrapnel Records,老板Mike Varney听后当即拍板定下这位新人.   年底草台班子出炉: 鼓手Jeff Bowders(EX.Paul Gilbert) 键盘Michael T. Ross(EX.Hardline) 主唱Kevin Jones(EX.Rattleface)   初步定下人员后Taka Minamino回到日本于MI/GIT任教,同时积极写歌筹备专辑    2007年储备充足后再次来到洛杉矶开始作业,于年底Guitar Player Magazine评选的年度10大Guitar Hero里占了一席,并受邀与Greg Howe, Joe Satriani等一干大腕儿同台,此时基本已是名声在外。    2008,Derek Sherinian慕名邀请Taka参与制作了新专辑Molecular Heinosity。    2009,Taka Minamino也礼尚往来的邀请了Derek Sherinian作为GUEST参与第一张个人专辑《AngelWing 》   除了原定的Kevin Jones外,Jeff Scott Soto也在专辑里献声了一首《Forever Love》         Taka Minamino was born in Osaka, Japan in 1984. Having initially taken up the violin at the young age of 4, his growing interest and diversity lead him to switch to guitar at 14, a decision which would offer him a creative outlet that would produce two solo projects, , a guest appearance on a keyboard virtuoso’s CD, numerous interviews/reviews, and a spot in the Guitar Hero Competition where he played his first composition in front of all star judges.      Taka graduated in 2005 from The Musicians Institute, where he studied under the talents of Kelly Simonz (MI/GIT Japan) and Joy Basu (MI/GIT Hollywood), and later worked as a teacher. Having reached a solid level of competency and skill, he sent a sample of his work to Mike Varney (Shrapnel Records, Owner) who featured him in his “Spotlight Column” in Guitar Player Magazine’s September 2005 issue. This lead to an invitation, to compete in the 2007 Guitar Player competition in San Francisco, CA, where he performed the title track from his forthcoming first CD, “AngelWing” in from of all star judges; Joe Satriani, Steve Lukather, Mike Varney, Greg Howe, and Nuno Bettencourt. Taka finished in the Top 10.       In the period between graduation and the Guitar Hero Competition, Taka began working on his first solo project, “AngelWing”. Traveling between Japan and Los Angeles, CA, Taka worked with some talented individuals that helped to make this first project a reality, musicians who guested were: Jeff Scott Soto (Talisman, Yngwie Malmsteen, Journey) vocals, Derek Sherinian (Dream Theatre) keyboards, Tony Franklin (Roy Harper, Derek Sherinian) bass, Jeff Bowders (Paul Gilbert, George Lynch) drums, and Kevin Jones vocals, Rafael Borks, keyboards. Learning the ropes of mixing and mastering as he went, and self-funding all production costs, “AngelWing” was released in November 2009. In between his traveling and recording, he accepted an invitation from keyboard virtuoso, Derek Sherinian to perform on 3 tracks of his 6th solo CD, “Molecular Heinosity”.       Right after the release of “AngelWing”, Taka began work on his 2nd CD, “Blood Rain”. With the compliment of Kevin Jones, vocals, and Atma Anur (Jason Becker, Journey) drums, he brought his “violence metal” to reality. The CD released in May 2012 in Japan.
  Taka Minamino来自METAL重镇大阪,84年生人,话说每位新古典大师背后都有段古典的童年~此人亦不例外,4岁开始小提琴熏陶,直到14岁告一段落~因为吉他之旅就此开启,机缘巧合,一个超高的起点便是师承Kelly Simonz.    2005年他把作品小样寄往了每个吉他手都向往的圣殿Shrapnel Records,老板Mike Varney听后当即拍板定下这位新人.   年底草台班子出炉: 鼓手Jeff Bowders(EX.Paul Gilbert) 键盘Michael T. Ross(EX.Hardline) 主唱Kevin Jones(EX.Rattleface)   初步定下人员后Taka Minamino回到日本于MI/GIT任教,同时积极写歌筹备专辑    2007年储备充足后再次来到洛杉矶开始作业,于年底Guitar Player Magazine评选的年度10大Guitar Hero里占了一席,并受邀与Greg Howe, Joe Satriani等一干大腕儿同台,此时基本已是名声在外。    2008,Derek Sherinian慕名邀请Taka参与制作了新专辑Molecular Heinosity。    2009,Taka Minamino也礼尚往来的邀请了Derek Sherinian作为GUEST参与第一张个人专辑《AngelWing 》   除了原定的Kevin Jones外,Jeff Scott Soto也在专辑里献声了一首《Forever Love》         Taka Minamino was born in Osaka, Japan in 1984. Having initially taken up the violin at the young age of 4, his growing interest and diversity lead him to switch to guitar at 14, a decision which would offer him a creative outlet that would produce two solo projects, , a guest appearance on a keyboard virtuoso’s CD, numerous interviews/reviews, and a spot in the Guitar Hero Competition where he played his first composition in front of all star judges.      Taka graduated in 2005 from The Musicians Institute, where he studied under the talents of Kelly Simonz (MI/GIT Japan) and Joy Basu (MI/GIT Hollywood), and later worked as a teacher. Having reached a solid level of competency and skill, he sent a sample of his work to Mike Varney (Shrapnel Records, Owner) who featured him in his “Spotlight Column” in Guitar Player Magazine’s September 2005 issue. This lead to an invitation, to compete in the 2007 Guitar Player competition in San Francisco, CA, where he performed the title track from his forthcoming first CD, “AngelWing” in from of all star judges; Joe Satriani, Steve Lukather, Mike Varney, Greg Howe, and Nuno Bettencourt. Taka finished in the Top 10.       In the period between graduation and the Guitar Hero Competition, Taka began working on his first solo project, “AngelWing”. Traveling between Japan and Los Angeles, CA, Taka worked with some talented individuals that helped to make this first project a reality, musicians who guested were: Jeff Scott Soto (Talisman, Yngwie Malmsteen, Journey) vocals, Derek Sherinian (Dream Theatre) keyboards, Tony Franklin (Roy Harper, Derek Sherinian) bass, Jeff Bowders (Paul Gilbert, George Lynch) drums, and Kevin Jones vocals, Rafael Borks, keyboards. Learning the ropes of mixing and mastering as he went, and self-funding all production costs, “AngelWing” was released in November 2009. In between his traveling and recording, he accepted an invitation from keyboard virtuoso, Derek Sherinian to perform on 3 tracks of his 6th solo CD, “Molecular Heinosity”.       Right after the release of “AngelWing”, Taka began work on his 2nd CD, “Blood Rain”. With the compliment of Kevin Jones, vocals, and Atma Anur (Jason Becker, Journey) drums, he brought his “violence metal” to reality. The CD released in May 2012 in Japan.
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Taka Minamino