Estraden, stylized as estraden, is a Swedish pop group consisting of Carl Silvergran, Felix Flygare Floderer, Lou Elliotte and Sandro Cavazza. The group was formed in 2017 and releases its music through Sony Music. Until June 2019 the group's name was Estrad but due to a naming dispute, it had to change its name.The group's single "Mer f?r varandra", featuring Norlie & KKV, peaked at number one on the Swedish Singles Chart.
  Estraden, stylized as estraden, is a Swedish pop group consisting of Carl Silvergran, Felix Flygare Floderer, Lou Elliotte and Sandro Cavazza. The group was formed in 2017 and releases its music through Sony Music. Until June 2019 the group's name was Estrad but due to a naming dispute, it had to change its name.The group's single "Mer f?r varandra", featuring Norlie & KKV, peaked at number one on the Swedish Singles Chart.
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