Bad Sweetheart是来自武汉的乐队,愿望是听起来像课间休息的走廊。现成员为贺铭洋 (主唱/吉他)、李烦 (鼓)和姜红朗 (贝斯)。
2019年11月组队,最初是贺铭洋与肖宇间跨国合作的双人低保真计划,李烦和姜红朗分别在2020年与2023年正式加入; 2020年,Bad Sweetheart在自主发行了《银色山坡》、《我总是不懂你的意思》和《骑车去芬兰》三首歌曲后,于年底开始进行演出;2021年3月,他们在卧室中录制并发行了首张全长专辑《今天就到这》;次年4月,发行了8首歌的英文EP《GoodGood BadBad》。
湿润而嘈杂的城市场景同时给予了Bad Sweetheart颗粒感的柔美和雀跃式的躁郁,他们喜爱将弹簧混响、噪音同细碎的歌词堆叠,表达色泽明亮的哀伤。
Bad Sweetheart is a band from Wuhan, and they want their music to sound like a school hallway during break time.
Originally a remote music project consisting of Mingyang He and Yu Xiao. It became full pieces after recruiting the drummer Fan Li and the Bassist Honglang Jiang. Gaining the ‘humid and clangorous suburb city’ scene, they built a jangly indie pop sound between the feedback of the synthesizers to the whirling guitar reverb.
They published their first album ‘Bye Bye, That’s
All’ in 2021, and an EP ‘GoodGood BadBad’ in
Bad Sweetheart是来自武汉的乐队,愿望是听起来像课间休息的走廊。现成员为贺铭洋 (主唱/吉他)、李烦 (鼓)和姜红朗 (贝斯)。
2019年11月组队,最初是贺铭洋与肖宇间跨国合作的双人低保真计划,李烦和姜红朗分别在2020年与2023年正式加入; 2020年,Bad Sweetheart在自主发行了《银色山坡》、《我总是不懂你的意思》和《骑车去芬兰》三首歌曲后,于年底开始进行演出;2021年3月,他们在卧室中录制并发行了首张全长专辑《今天就到这》;次年4月,发行了8首歌的英文EP《GoodGood BadBad》。
湿润而嘈杂的城市场景同时给予了Bad Sweetheart颗粒感的柔美和雀跃式的躁郁,他们喜爱将弹簧混响、噪音同细碎的歌词堆叠,表达色泽明亮的哀伤。
Bad Sweetheart is a band from Wuhan, and they want their music to sound like a school hallway during break time.
Originally a remote music project consisting of Mingyang He and Yu Xiao. It became full pieces after recruiting the drummer Fan Li and the Bassist Honglang Jiang. Gaining the ‘humid and clangorous suburb city’ scene, they built a jangly indie pop sound between the feedback of the synthesizers to the whirling guitar reverb.
They published their first album ‘Bye Bye, That’s
All’ in 2021, and an EP ‘GoodGood BadBad’ in