小档案   外 文 名 Holly Throsby   出 生 地 悉尼   出生日期 1978.12.28   性 别 女   艺人资料   Holly Throsby 1978年12.28生于悉尼。   Holly成长在澳大利亚悉尼,8岁开始学习吉他,她是ABC古典电台(ABC Classic FM)著名主持人Margaret Throsby的女儿。她的叔叔则为有名的文化经济学家David Throsby,她的祖母曾是悉尼交响乐团的大提琴手。当她还是个孩子时,大人们就鼓励她的音乐追求。她曾学过古典吉他技巧,并在11岁就进行创作。在拿到悉尼大学(University of Sydney)的文学士后(主修的英语),Throsby在录制她第一张专辑《On Night》之前,在一家艺术视频工作室工作,后又进行了长途旅行。Throsby与音乐制作人Tony Dupe在他位于新南威尔士南岸,Saddleback山的小屋内录制专辑《On Night》。该专辑凭借混合着抒情曲调,情感的共鸣和表现,朴素的表现而出名。(专辑中可以经常听到来自大自然的鸟叫和狗吠声)该专辑由具有影响力的独立音乐厂商Spunk Records于2004年发行,并得到了国内外的高度赞扬。   2006年,Throsby发表了她的第二张专辑《Under the Town》该专辑再次由Dupe监制,并由一个音乐家们组成的大乐队来演绎。除了保持了上张专辑音乐温和的表现力外,《Under the Town》再次赢得评论家们的赞赏。Throsby开始进行美国巡演。Throsby的第三张专辑《A Loud Call》在纳什维尔(美国田纳西州首府)录制,音效编辑则是Dupe在澳洲完成的。   2008年7月12号来自澳大利亚悉尼的Holly Throsby发行了她的第三张专辑,依然是简朴淡淡的音乐,Holly用她那质朴声音带来了久违的感动!依然没有过多乐器,钢琴,小号,吉他,简单而又安静,整张听下来,流畅而又余味。   2008年7月,Throsby和歌手Paul Kelly来到英国和爱尔兰巡演。回到澳大利亚本土后,她一共游历了22个城镇,这是她迄今为止最多的一次。在9月19日,她第二次赢得了澳大利亚唱片协会颁发的“最佳女艺人”奖。   2010年发行录音室专辑《See! (a children's album)》。   2011年3月发行录音室专辑《Team》。   2012年7月她与澳大利亚艺人Patience Hodgson, Kevin Mitchell, Josh Pyke和Kav Temperley一起观看了致敬Bob Dylan演唱会。   2016年5月Throsby透露她已经完成了她的第一部小说《Goodwood》,该著作将会在2016年9月28日由Allen & Unwin发行。   Holly Sarah Throsby (born 28 December 1978) is an Australian songwriter, musician, and novelist. As a solo artist Throsby has issued five albums. She was nominated for an ARIA Award for Best Female Artist in 2006 for Under the Town (July 2006); and in the same category in 2008 for A Loud Call (July 2008). In 2011 she was nominated for an ARIA Award for Best Children's Album for See! (October 2010), her album of alternative children's songs. From August 2010 to the end of 2011 Throsby was a member of Seeker Lover Keeper, with fellow singer-songwriters, Sally Seltmann and Sarah Blasko. They released an album of the same name in June 2011, which peaked at No. 3 and was nominated for an ARIA Award for Best Alternative Album in that year.In October 2011 the trio provided a cover version of "Sinner" for the third Finn brothers tribute album by various artists, They Will Have Their Way, which also included Throsby's earlier rendition of "Not the Girl You Think You Are". To promote it Throsby and the group toured Australia with other artists on the related They Will Have Their Way Tour in November of that year. Seeker Lover Keeper completed two national tours in 2011 and 2012, before each artist resumed their solo careers.   In July 2012 Throsby undertook a tour of Bob Dylan Tribute Concerts with fellow Australian artists Patience Hodgson, Kevin Mitchell, Josh Pyke and Kav Temperley.      Throsby revealed in May 2016 that she has written her first novel.Her debut novel, Goodwood, is being published by Allen & Unwin on September 28, 2016.
  小档案   外 文 名 Holly Throsby   出 生 地 悉尼   出生日期 1978.12.28   性 别 女   艺人资料   Holly Throsby 1978年12.28生于悉尼。   Holly成长在澳大利亚悉尼,8岁开始学习吉他,她是ABC古典电台(ABC Classic FM)著名主持人Margaret Throsby的女儿。她的叔叔则为有名的文化经济学家David Throsby,她的祖母曾是悉尼交响乐团的大提琴手。当她还是个孩子时,大人们就鼓励她的音乐追求。她曾学过古典吉他技巧,并在11岁就进行创作。在拿到悉尼大学(University of Sydney)的文学士后(主修的英语),Throsby在录制她第一张专辑《On Night》之前,在一家艺术视频工作室工作,后又进行了长途旅行。Throsby与音乐制作人Tony Dupe在他位于新南威尔士南岸,Saddleback山的小屋内录制专辑《On Night》。该专辑凭借混合着抒情曲调,情感的共鸣和表现,朴素的表现而出名。(专辑中可以经常听到来自大自然的鸟叫和狗吠声)该专辑由具有影响力的独立音乐厂商Spunk Records于2004年发行,并得到了国内外的高度赞扬。   2006年,Throsby发表了她的第二张专辑《Under the Town》该专辑再次由Dupe监制,并由一个音乐家们组成的大乐队来演绎。除了保持了上张专辑音乐温和的表现力外,《Under the Town》再次赢得评论家们的赞赏。Throsby开始进行美国巡演。Throsby的第三张专辑《A Loud Call》在纳什维尔(美国田纳西州首府)录制,音效编辑则是Dupe在澳洲完成的。   2008年7月12号来自澳大利亚悉尼的Holly Throsby发行了她的第三张专辑,依然是简朴淡淡的音乐,Holly用她那质朴声音带来了久违的感动!依然没有过多乐器,钢琴,小号,吉他,简单而又安静,整张听下来,流畅而又余味。   2008年7月,Throsby和歌手Paul Kelly来到英国和爱尔兰巡演。回到澳大利亚本土后,她一共游历了22个城镇,这是她迄今为止最多的一次。在9月19日,她第二次赢得了澳大利亚唱片协会颁发的“最佳女艺人”奖。   2010年发行录音室专辑《See! (a children's album)》。   2011年3月发行录音室专辑《Team》。   2012年7月她与澳大利亚艺人Patience Hodgson, Kevin Mitchell, Josh Pyke和Kav Temperley一起观看了致敬Bob Dylan演唱会。   2016年5月Throsby透露她已经完成了她的第一部小说《Goodwood》,该著作将会在2016年9月28日由Allen & Unwin发行。   Holly Sarah Throsby (born 28 December 1978) is an Australian songwriter, musician, and novelist. As a solo artist Throsby has issued five albums. She was nominated for an ARIA Award for Best Female Artist in 2006 for Under the Town (July 2006); and in the same category in 2008 for A Loud Call (July 2008). In 2011 she was nominated for an ARIA Award for Best Children's Album for See! (October 2010), her album of alternative children's songs. From August 2010 to the end of 2011 Throsby was a member of Seeker Lover Keeper, with fellow singer-songwriters, Sally Seltmann and Sarah Blasko. They released an album of the same name in June 2011, which peaked at No. 3 and was nominated for an ARIA Award for Best Alternative Album in that year.In October 2011 the trio provided a cover version of "Sinner" for the third Finn brothers tribute album by various artists, They Will Have Their Way, which also included Throsby's earlier rendition of "Not the Girl You Think You Are". To promote it Throsby and the group toured Australia with other artists on the related They Will Have Their Way Tour in November of that year. Seeker Lover Keeper completed two national tours in 2011 and 2012, before each artist resumed their solo careers.   In July 2012 Throsby undertook a tour of Bob Dylan Tribute Concerts with fellow Australian artists Patience Hodgson, Kevin Mitchell, Josh Pyke and Kav Temperley.      Throsby revealed in May 2016 that she has written her first novel.Her debut novel, Goodwood, is being published by Allen & Unwin on September 28, 2016.
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Holly Throsby
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