Metal Church的历史最早要追溯到1982年,那时在美国的西雅图,5个小伙David Wayne(主唱)、Kurdt Vanderhoof(吉他手)、Craig Wells(吉他手)、Duke Erickson(贝司手)和Kirk Arrington(鼓手)组成了最初的Metal Church。而晚些时候当旧金山的Bay Area(湾区)的一些乐队如METALLICA、TESTAMENT、EXODUS引起人们大量关注的时候,Metal Church也成为一支与主流大公司(Elektra)签约的金属乐队。   Metal Church的发展   80年代   1985年的处女作、同名专辑Metal Church(金属教堂),是一张非凡的专辑,风格正是当时流行的激流金属,而他们更以精度据称,充满了力量与希望。它深深打动了听者的心,很快为Metal Church在全世界的各个角落建立了歌迷基础。   1986年,强大的续作The Dark(黑暗)发行,它将乐队真正地推向了世界舞台。这是一张被很多人认为在此种流派中很有影响的专辑,在全世界的销量超过了500,000张,但它确实没有超越Metal Church。   The Dark发行后不久,Wayne就离开了乐队,他另组建了REVEREND乐队;Metal Church于是招来了新主唱Mike Howe(来自HERETIX乐队)。而优秀的吉他手Vanderhoof由于对巡演感到厌恶,也离开了乐队;John Marshall顶替了他的位置——这个家伙曾经是METALLICA的吉它技师。1989年的Blessing in the Disguise(伪装的祝福)无疑是一张优秀的专辑,赢得了极高的赞誉。   同样的,1991年的Human Factor(人性因素)和1993年的Hanging in the Balance也在一定范围内获得好评。METAL CHURCH被证明一直是一支非常优秀的乐队,然而他们却从没有超越首张专辑的水平,人员的变迁以及和公司短暂的合同期的确使他们没有完全发挥潜力。一些内部的和外部的原因最终使得乐队名存实亡。   90年代   90年代的非主流和Grunge音乐潮流同样冲击了Metal Church,但他们既然不打算改变风格去迎合潮流,那么注定命运是悄然退出。一直到1998年,重金属复兴的前夕,Metal Church又进行了新的巡演并发行了一张现场专辑Live,似乎预示着这支老乐队又将回到舞台上来。   去年,关于这支曾在80年代后期辉煌一时的乐队要重整旗鼓的消息在乐迷中悄悄传开,在他们中引起了狂热。这还只是故事的一部分,更另人激动的是,在这个时候,乐队最初的主唱David Wayne又回来了!现在,在那个消息传出后一年,他们的最新专辑终于发行,它有一个恰当的标题——Masterpeace。   歌迷们将为Masterpeace拍手喝彩,因为他们发现Metal Church又回到了最初使他们成功的极具力量的风格。Kurdt Vaderhoof和Craig Wells变幻多端的吉它,Duke Erickson和Kirk Arrington坚固的节奏,还有David Wayne准确无误的引渡,将为你提供一次难忘的听觉体验,它将在不管是老歌迷还是新听众的记忆里留下长久的印象。除了标志性的强劲thrash风格, Masterpeace更为我 们带来了一支更成熟更老练的Metal Church。   Metal Church is an American heavy metal band. They originally formed in San Francisco, California in 1980 before relocating to Aberdeen, Washington the following year and briefly using the name Shrapnel. Their eponymous first album was released in 1984, and their latest, This Present Wasteland, in 2008.   The band is credited as a formative influence on the thrash metal sub-genre, melding the aesthetics of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal and American hard rock with an urban connotation through "incredibly tight musicianship" and "piercingly screeched" vocals. Early lyrical topics such as conflict and paranoia later expanded into philosophical and social commentary.   Founding guitarist Kurdt Vanderhoof remained the group's sole consistent creative force throughout its career, despite reducing his role strictly to composition in 1986 after tiring of touring. Vanderhoof, vocalist David Wayne, guitarist Craig Wells, bassist Duke Erickson, and drummer Kirk Arrington composed the group's classic lineup featured on its first two records, while vocalist Mike Howe and guitarist John Marshall later contributed to the group's sound. After releasing five full-length albums and touring extensively throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, Metal Church disbanded in 1994. They reformed four years later with their classic lineup, including Vanderhoof's return to performance, yielding the Masterpeace album. They endured numerous lineup changes thereafter, releasing three further studio albums while fronted by Ronny Munroe before again disbanding in July 2009. The group announced another reunion in October 2012, featuring the This Present Wasteland lineup, and is currently working on a new album.
  Metal Church的历史最早要追溯到1982年,那时在美国的西雅图,5个小伙David Wayne(主唱)、Kurdt Vanderhoof(吉他手)、Craig Wells(吉他手)、Duke Erickson(贝司手)和Kirk Arrington(鼓手)组成了最初的Metal Church。而晚些时候当旧金山的Bay Area(湾区)的一些乐队如METALLICA、TESTAMENT、EXODUS引起人们大量关注的时候,Metal Church也成为一支与主流大公司(Elektra)签约的金属乐队。   Metal Church的发展   80年代   1985年的处女作、同名专辑Metal Church(金属教堂),是一张非凡的专辑,风格正是当时流行的激流金属,而他们更以精度据称,充满了力量与希望。它深深打动了听者的心,很快为Metal Church在全世界的各个角落建立了歌迷基础。   1986年,强大的续作The Dark(黑暗)发行,它将乐队真正地推向了世界舞台。这是一张被很多人认为在此种流派中很有影响的专辑,在全世界的销量超过了500,000张,但它确实没有超越Metal Church。   The Dark发行后不久,Wayne就离开了乐队,他另组建了REVEREND乐队;Metal Church于是招来了新主唱Mike Howe(来自HERETIX乐队)。而优秀的吉他手Vanderhoof由于对巡演感到厌恶,也离开了乐队;John Marshall顶替了他的位置——这个家伙曾经是METALLICA的吉它技师。1989年的Blessing in the Disguise(伪装的祝福)无疑是一张优秀的专辑,赢得了极高的赞誉。   同样的,1991年的Human Factor(人性因素)和1993年的Hanging in the Balance也在一定范围内获得好评。METAL CHURCH被证明一直是一支非常优秀的乐队,然而他们却从没有超越首张专辑的水平,人员的变迁以及和公司短暂的合同期的确使他们没有完全发挥潜力。一些内部的和外部的原因最终使得乐队名存实亡。   90年代   90年代的非主流和Grunge音乐潮流同样冲击了Metal Church,但他们既然不打算改变风格去迎合潮流,那么注定命运是悄然退出。一直到1998年,重金属复兴的前夕,Metal Church又进行了新的巡演并发行了一张现场专辑Live,似乎预示着这支老乐队又将回到舞台上来。   去年,关于这支曾在80年代后期辉煌一时的乐队要重整旗鼓的消息在乐迷中悄悄传开,在他们中引起了狂热。这还只是故事的一部分,更另人激动的是,在这个时候,乐队最初的主唱David Wayne又回来了!现在,在那个消息传出后一年,他们的最新专辑终于发行,它有一个恰当的标题——Masterpeace。   歌迷们将为Masterpeace拍手喝彩,因为他们发现Metal Church又回到了最初使他们成功的极具力量的风格。Kurdt Vaderhoof和Craig Wells变幻多端的吉它,Duke Erickson和Kirk Arrington坚固的节奏,还有David Wayne准确无误的引渡,将为你提供一次难忘的听觉体验,它将在不管是老歌迷还是新听众的记忆里留下长久的印象。除了标志性的强劲thrash风格, Masterpeace更为我 们带来了一支更成熟更老练的Metal Church。   Metal Church is an American heavy metal band. They originally formed in San Francisco, California in 1980 before relocating to Aberdeen, Washington the following year and briefly using the name Shrapnel. Their eponymous first album was released in 1984, and their latest, This Present Wasteland, in 2008.   The band is credited as a formative influence on the thrash metal sub-genre, melding the aesthetics of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal and American hard rock with an urban connotation through "incredibly tight musicianship" and "piercingly screeched" vocals. Early lyrical topics such as conflict and paranoia later expanded into philosophical and social commentary.   Founding guitarist Kurdt Vanderhoof remained the group's sole consistent creative force throughout its career, despite reducing his role strictly to composition in 1986 after tiring of touring. Vanderhoof, vocalist David Wayne, guitarist Craig Wells, bassist Duke Erickson, and drummer Kirk Arrington composed the group's classic lineup featured on its first two records, while vocalist Mike Howe and guitarist John Marshall later contributed to the group's sound. After releasing five full-length albums and touring extensively throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, Metal Church disbanded in 1994. They reformed four years later with their classic lineup, including Vanderhoof's return to performance, yielding the Masterpeace album. They endured numerous lineup changes thereafter, releasing three further studio albums while fronted by Ronny Munroe before again disbanding in July 2009. The group announced another reunion in October 2012, featuring the This Present Wasteland lineup, and is currently working on a new album.
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Metal Church
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