Digable Planets (Digable Planets was an American hip hop trio formed in 1987, in Brooklyn, New York. The trio is composed of rappers Ishmael "Butterfly" Butler (from Seattle), Mary Ann "Ladybug Mecca" Vieira (from Silver Spring, Maryland), and Craig "Doodlebug" Irving (from Philadelphia).   Digable Planets绝对算的上是当今Jazz Hip Hop最棒的团体,他们或许不是开启这类型音乐风潮的祖师爷,但肯定是最杰出的,就像Michael Jordan并没有发明篮球怎么玩,但大家都知道他玩的最好的道理一样。Digable Planets乐团由三只虫子组成:来自布鲁克林原名Ishmael Butler的"蝴蝶"(Butterfly)、来自春泉原名Mary Ann Vieira的"瓢虫"(Ladybug)以及来自费城原名Graig Irvin的"蚁狮"(Doodlebug)。他们最值得一书的功迹,便是1993年的首张专辑《Reachin’ (A New Refutation of Time and Space)》,除了无敌正点的Hip Hop与舌灿莲花言之有物的Rap之外,编曲裏更有来自Art Blakey与Sonny Rollins经典爵士乐句的取样,单曲《Rebirth of Slick (Cool Like Dat)》不但打入了Billboard Top 20,也让他们拿下了葛莱美奖最佳饶舌组合的殊荣。
  Digable Planets (Digable Planets was an American hip hop trio formed in 1987, in Brooklyn, New York. The trio is composed of rappers Ishmael "Butterfly" Butler (from Seattle), Mary Ann "Ladybug Mecca" Vieira (from Silver Spring, Maryland), and Craig "Doodlebug" Irving (from Philadelphia).   Digable Planets绝对算的上是当今Jazz Hip Hop最棒的团体,他们或许不是开启这类型音乐风潮的祖师爷,但肯定是最杰出的,就像Michael Jordan并没有发明篮球怎么玩,但大家都知道他玩的最好的道理一样。Digable Planets乐团由三只虫子组成:来自布鲁克林原名Ishmael Butler的"蝴蝶"(Butterfly)、来自春泉原名Mary Ann Vieira的"瓢虫"(Ladybug)以及来自费城原名Graig Irvin的"蚁狮"(Doodlebug)。他们最值得一书的功迹,便是1993年的首张专辑《Reachin’ (A New Refutation of Time and Space)》,除了无敌正点的Hip Hop与舌灿莲花言之有物的Rap之外,编曲裏更有来自Art Blakey与Sonny Rollins经典爵士乐句的取样,单曲《Rebirth of Slick (Cool Like Dat)》不但打入了Billboard Top 20,也让他们拿下了葛莱美奖最佳饶舌组合的殊荣。
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Digable Planets