人称E.S.T的瑞典钢琴三重奏,年轻有衝劲,会摇摆,也会摇滚;会拉丁,也会民谣,整体听来是几乎快跟Monk原曲脱节的新版,颠覆意味浓厚,所有常用的kick、accent都被改掉了,甚至有几首曲子编得实在令人拍案叫绝。而即兴上也〝兇〞很多,但却仍维持著北欧人冷冷的姿态,不至於过度粗暴或滥情,钢琴手完全地使用钢琴的全音域,而不若传统爵士钢琴手都把重点摆在右手的中高音位置,鼓手也不断地变换音色,使得虽然只有三个人,但音乐的内涵极为丰富。   Esbjörn Svensson Trio (or e.s.t.) was a Swedish jazz piano trio formed in 1993 consisting of Esbjörn Svensson (piano), Dan Berglund (double bass), and Magnus Öström (drums). Its music has classical, rock, pop, and techno elements. It lists classical composer Béla Bartók and rock band Radiohead as influences. Its style involves conventional jazz and the use of electronic effects and multitrack recording. The trio deliberately blurred genres, with Svensson's musical catholicism drawing upon a wide variety of artist influences. e.s.t. was also renowned for its vibrant style in live performances, often playing in rock and roll oriented venues to young crowds. It achieved great commercial success and critical acclaim throughout Europe. Its 1999 release From Gagarin's Point of View started its international breakthrough, being the first e.s.t. album to be released outside of Scandinavia through the German label ACT.   Svensson died in a scuba diving accident in Stockholm on 14 June 2008. He is survived by his wife and two sons. The publication All About Jazz remarked that the loss "will surely deeply sadden music lovers everywhere."   Since 2013 Magnus Öström and Dan Berglund are touring with the project e.s.t. symphony with Swedish arrangeur and conductor Hans Ek, performing symphonic versions of the e.s.t. songs.
  人称E.S.T的瑞典钢琴三重奏,年轻有衝劲,会摇摆,也会摇滚;会拉丁,也会民谣,整体听来是几乎快跟Monk原曲脱节的新版,颠覆意味浓厚,所有常用的kick、accent都被改掉了,甚至有几首曲子编得实在令人拍案叫绝。而即兴上也〝兇〞很多,但却仍维持著北欧人冷冷的姿态,不至於过度粗暴或滥情,钢琴手完全地使用钢琴的全音域,而不若传统爵士钢琴手都把重点摆在右手的中高音位置,鼓手也不断地变换音色,使得虽然只有三个人,但音乐的内涵极为丰富。   Esbjörn Svensson Trio (or e.s.t.) was a Swedish jazz piano trio formed in 1993 consisting of Esbjörn Svensson (piano), Dan Berglund (double bass), and Magnus Öström (drums). Its music has classical, rock, pop, and techno elements. It lists classical composer Béla Bartók and rock band Radiohead as influences. Its style involves conventional jazz and the use of electronic effects and multitrack recording. The trio deliberately blurred genres, with Svensson's musical catholicism drawing upon a wide variety of artist influences. e.s.t. was also renowned for its vibrant style in live performances, often playing in rock and roll oriented venues to young crowds. It achieved great commercial success and critical acclaim throughout Europe. Its 1999 release From Gagarin's Point of View started its international breakthrough, being the first e.s.t. album to be released outside of Scandinavia through the German label ACT.   Svensson died in a scuba diving accident in Stockholm on 14 June 2008. He is survived by his wife and two sons. The publication All About Jazz remarked that the loss "will surely deeply sadden music lovers everywhere."   Since 2013 Magnus Öström and Dan Berglund are touring with the project e.s.t. symphony with Swedish arrangeur and conductor Hans Ek, performing symphonic versions of the e.s.t. songs.
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Esbjorn Svensson Trio
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